Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Staycation and Osgood Schlatter Disease!

It's been a crazy start to or Spring break Staycation! Between Kacey's Sinus infection and then knee pain it's been a whirlwind. Monday night we had Movie night and Grace got to pick the movie! We watched Hannah Montana says goodbye. Last night Grace and I went on a gopher hunt... yes, another story for another blog post! Greg carried Kacey to Cullman to her trainer. Long story ~ longer. During Basketball, Kacey had some knee pain from time to time but nothing major. It would hurt, get better hurt get better, but nothing severe. Monday she went to HAC to play tennis for fun/then she and Morgan went to the park and played for awhile. Nothing official, just playing... Never did she complain but she probably played for 4 or 5 hours total on Monday. Then last night at warm ups she complained... Well the guy who works with her is an awesome Christan man and leads by example. He works to strengthen and train athletes to keep them injury free and when she wasn't right in warm ups he evaluated and sat her out.. She was NOT happy. He let her do the upper body straightening but nothing to do with her legs. When it was over he told Greg to have it checked as soon as possible something wasn't quite right. So that leads to today... We went to the Dr this morning. And for the first time since all this started she got up and walked and said, Momma it hurts to straighten my leg... After x-rays and being evaluated she was diagnosed with Osgood Schlatter Disease, well let me first say when our Dr. rolled that of her tongue I felt sick... I thought WHAT we came in with knee pain and we are leaving with a Disease, but she quickly explained what it was and I would like to say I think I could find a better name for it. Praise God, that the name sounds much worse than the illness. It is basically when the child hits a growth spurt the tendons and bones are growing so fast they are weak, and throw in an overactive teen and you get inflammation where the bone and tendons connect below the kneecap. I'm thankful it isn't worse and with some TLC she'll be fine! She'll have to continue with the trainer longer to help develop the muscles in the back of her leg to hopefully help as well. Now if I can just sit on her long enough to get her to rest to begin to heal! I've never heard of Osgood Schlatter Disease but everything they sent home with us says it is pretty common in young active teens. I guess we learn something new everyday! Thank you for praying for her and please continue to pray for healing.
Happy Wednesday!
From Just another day in Paradise.

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