Saturday, June 30, 2012

Braves - Father's day gift!

So last night was the Braves game for Father's Day!
It was soooo hot!
Like 106 in spots.
Love these three!
Did I mention it was hot!
We got there in time to watch Batting practice and some of the fun pre-game stuff.
Our seats were right behind the Braves Dugout.  It was pretty cool!

Greg and Grace by the dugout.
Some of the players.
Thankfully where our seats were the sun went behind the stadium soon after the game started..  We were soooo thankful!
Chipper!  One of the reasons we really wanted to make a game this year.  He will retire this year and Kacey has grown up watching him play. 
Chipper up to bat.

Even when the sun went down it was still HOT!
Sweet red cheeks!
all smiles
We were losing 0-4 until the 7th inning and the Braves tied the game.
Chipper on first base.
We lost by one but it was a fun game.  We hung around for about 30 minutes and Grace made it on the Braves vision...  She was happy.  Then we watched the fireworks.

What a fun night.  Happy Father's day to a GREAT Dad!

Then we drove home and this happened.  We were tired Narrells!
Tired but Happy!
We love you Greg
Go Braves!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Softball Party!

We held our Softball party at the Guntersville Pool.  We caught a glimpse of this awesome sunset while we were there.

 Food Fun and swimming

 The girls and their Coach!
Congratulations girls on an awesome year!  We are so proud of you!
And Coach we are so proud of you and your example to these sweet girls!

Thursday's Thoughts!

I've not been in a bloggy mood lately.  I've been too busy and honestly in a little of a funk.  I'm praying out of it.  :-)  Most of it is just needing to slow down and enjoy the moment more.  I have to daily remind myself.
Lately I've just realized so many things I do or don't do that I wish I could change. And I'm working on changing through Christ Alone. 
My girls are growing so fast and sometimes I wonder if we used our time wisely.  If we push too hard on earthly things and didn't hard enough on eternal things.  Don't get me wrong we have GREAT kids and it's not about them, it's about me.  It is SATAN I'm sure and the crazy thing is the more I see I need to work on it makes me see something else.  :-)  Some might call that growth, I call it overwhelming.  
The girls and I have a stronger relationship right now than ever.  That makes my heart happy
I had a spot removed Monday at the dermotologist and I have blister's around it from where I'm having to wear a bandaid.  Can you say Wimp. 
It's so hot I'm wondering just how long my flowers are going to survive in this.  Especially when I only am able to water about every other day because of the craziness!
We are still enjoying our prayer walks on Wednesday nights.  It's great to see God's people praying for the direction we are supposed to go in.
I lead a Sunday School class for Couples last Sunday.  IT's a new class and we had 6 come that do not regulary attend sunday school so we were thankful.  I have NEVER lead a class higher than 6th grade with the exception of a couple of youth classes once or twice so it was way out of my comfort zone and I was sooo nervous.  I survived, I'm not sure I made sense and I'm praying they'll come back to give me another chance.
We are trying to find time to actually take a vacation... I NEED some total down time.  I know Greg does as well.  Works been hectic for him.  VBS is coming soon and we are trying to plan some fun stuff before so we are praying the week after works out.  I am also praying already for descent weather when we do get to go!  Selfish I know!
Ending with a funny lighter side.  Last night at church.  We were through with our children's class and were going to head outside to the playground.  The phone was ringing so I went to Answer...  (names will be omitted :-))  We'll say Mr. Noname... said hello is Ms. Noname there..  I said yes sir she is in service do you need anything.  Him:  Tell her she doesn't need to pick me up Sunday for Church I am having company. 
Mr. Noname is known for the fact he is actively pursueing a girlfriend.  ;-)
Me:  Yes sir I sure will
Him:  Who is this
Me:  Paige
Him:  Are you married
Me:  Yes sir I am
Him:  What's his name
Me:  Greg
Him:  I don't think I know him do I?
Me:  Yes sir, he is your pastor!
Him:  oh well bye! - (He could not hang up fast enough!  Maybe I should have said Bro. Greg!)
(I have rolled laughing on that one)

Happy Thursday!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tennis Saturday in the HEAT!

Kacey played in Gadsden today and what can I say... It's tennis in June in ALABAMA!
It was miserable hot.
she played at 9 am.  We went home and she showered and changed and rested and then we went back and she played at 3.
and it was even hotter!

She's trying to get used to the short hair with Sports!
Somedays she loves it and somedays not so much!

This was the temp when we got in the car to go home at 4:30 pm...
yes 100 degrees and she wonders why I cake her with sunscreen and keep forcing her to drink even when she fusses! I love you Kacey!  Great job!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Locks of Love

Today Greg went to Shelbyville to watch Kacey and bring back his girl.
She sent me text on the way home.  See if Carla can do it.  I want too.
So this afternoon we went.
Kacey almost needed to do this just to prove she could, and well she did!

10 inches
And a beautiful girl...
Sacrificing so someone else can use her hair.
There was a lady in the shop we didn't know that had just lost her Dad to cancer.
Teary eyed she made an impression on our girl and thanked her for her thoughtfulness.
Our hair dresser is so much more she is an encourager and embassador for Christ.
We are thankful for her.
Beautiful thoughtful girl and Proud Mom and Dad!
We love you Kacey.

GA Camp 2012

Grace and Alyssa went to GA camp and of course our sweet grovers. 
Grace's small group!
Sweet friends.
Prayer Circle
Craft time
listening to the missioniares.
Paddle boat fun!

I love these girls
Them being together makes my heart smile!
This was my usual view of them.  FROM behind trying to catch up!
Pool Time
Taking a break from the heat!
Challenge Course Strategy!
Peaceful quiet time
Smores and bon fire!

Messy girls. 
Cooking breakfast on the campfire.  IT WAS SO HOT>>>>>

The whole group!
Grace's small Group
Grace getting her certificate.
Another year behind them.  Next year will be their last year to go and I'm not thinking about it yet.  It makes this Momma heart sad. 
Finding joy in the journey!  Because I'm going to miss this.