Saturday, February 25, 2012


Ive become a big fan of Pinterest.

I've started doing a few things.

This you can write on with an expo marker.

Love it.

These cadberry cupcakes were pinterest as well.
Chocolate cake mix with a Cadberry egg in the middle, then topped with more cupcake batter.

then Ice.

The tops are supposed to look like an egg yolk. Then add anothe Cadberry egg on top!

Happy Pinteresting!

Friday, February 24, 2012


After not touching a racket but once (and that was on Tuesday) in 4 months... we had our first match that she could participate in today. The team has been practicing since mid Jan but with Basketball Kacey wasn't released until Thursday...

They played Guntersville.

She played 1st seed Doubles and

2nd Seed Singles.

Alexis and Kacey won doubles 8-2.
Kacey won her singles 8-2.

Happy Friday.

Dad was tough he watched up close...

Mom was a wimp and hide from the wind on the side of the building some and sat in the truck and watched some....

Bring on the sunshine!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Elite 8!

On Wednesday Kacey went to school then had practice from 2:30 - 4:30... then got on the bus back to Jacksonville. They made it to the Elite 8!

We played Center Point which was the State Champions last year and they do no have a Sr on their team.

Coming on to the court.

Pre game prayer
Warming up

Stretching! She looks good in 42 don't you think!


Our student section.... both sides were full of blue parents!!

It was a tough loss but they played Great and had a wonderful year...

Congrats Lady Knights.. See ya next year!

From Jacksonville we went to the tennis courts, so Kacey could cheer on her tennis team in a match against Scottsboro.

Then to Mtn. View for Movie night!

A full Thursday for sure!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


What a difference a year makes, this time last year we were just rocking along... same ole same ole and NOW we are are Reverend and Mrs. Greg Narrell!!!

I'm not gonna Lie when I saw this ... I laughed... then I showed it to Kacey and we laughed together then when Greg saw it he laughed then we all laughed again. Not because we take his/our calling lightly at all but because it is Crazy to see how God can use just an ordinary family to serve him. I've known for years but 10 months ago, when Greg finally stopped running and said Here am I Lord, send me...

Our lives have taking on new direction.

Still Sinners saved by Grace...

Change seems to be the season we are in.

One day at a time...

And we often remind each other of the story of Balam and the Donkey..

If God can use a donkey he can use us we just have to be willing!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Monday we were out of work/school for President's day... Kacey however had to be dressed/packed and on the courts shooting by 8:30.

Ready to go!

I think this picture was followed with Momma how am I gonna get all this in this bag??They practiced from 8:30 - 10:30 then showered and dressed at the school.
they went out to eat. to the Movies, then to JSU to watch some games then to the hotel for the night! Grace and I had a quite day. We cleaned and cleaned, napped and then the Rowe's came over for an afternoon of playing outside in the sunshine! :-)
Thank you Lord!
Today we left early to get to JSU for a 9 o'clock tip off time!

Anna Catherine!

And just in case you didn't know... Arab supports their teams..

This was the student section...

Then both sides of the gym were full of ARAB blue!!!


They won, the beat Ramsey 53 -46 so on Thursday they get to do it all again...

Sunday, February 19, 2012


We had a sweet service this morning. Then Greg and Kacey went to eat lunch with the youth.

Grace and I meet them later at the Nursing Home. The youth sang and performed skits and I am truly amazed at how God is using this group of young people. They are on fire for the Lord, a couple of Sunday's ago, they went to the Rescue mission before church and made it back for worship... they left at 4:30 to serve... Would you do that on a Sunday Morning?

They are a blessing. On Sunday night they starting tonight started leading the music and worship time for the pm service! They did an awesome job!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Friday night we went to Cullman to see Lane play in the Sub region Tournament for the boys. They won so they are off to regional's as well. After a two hour early morning practice Saturday. Kacey and Greg ran some errands. Grace and I had hair cut appointments then all four of us went to dinner the movies and did a little shopping. It was so nice to just hang out and be together, it was one of the best evenings we have had in a long time. Thank you Lord. We watched the Vow. It was a good movie. Ate at Logan's and bought tennis shoes for Grace, some shirts for Kacey and a dehydrator for Greg... He is trying to perfect Deer jerky!

Thank you Lord for good nights.

It seems the Narrell's are still in Chaos! The Lord is pruning and growing things in our life. We are taking it one day at a time. Trusting... Some things that seemed hard two weeks ago, we now have some light on them and they are still hard but we see the good in those tough situations already so for that I'm so thankful... Continue to pray for us!

Friday, February 17, 2012


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The girls won last night so on to Jacksonville Tuesday to play Ramsey!

I'm so thankful it's Friday I could scream... I'm even more thankful we are off on Monday.

Even though we'll have basketball and Tennis practice.

I've been in a blogging slump.. I'm struggling a little and start to write and then delete...

but I'm trusting and waiting... this too shall pass!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day!

What a wonderful day the Narrell's were blessed with!

Greg and I usually do not do much for Valentine's day but this year he surprised me with a heart necklace. But even more than that he cooked dinner and cleaned the kitchen... ahhhh now that's my Love language! Then I got to attend Grace's last school party. :-( next year in Jr High they stop having them. they had an ice cream party.

My sweet girl!

Kacey had basketball until 5 so Grace and I went and stayed a little while with Momma and Daddy. When we got home Grace had surprised us with heart attacks...
Kacey's was on her mirror!

Our Bedroom door had a heart attack as well!

I'm pretty sure this plan was hatched in GA's!

My sweet girls!

Kacey made us cards, they were precious!

We ended the night with the Movie Cars 2. Narrell's plus one Donaldson... Grace made us sweet cards too, I took a picture but somehow it isn't showing up on my SD card so I'll have to try again! but one of the things she had on it said. I wanted to buy you all the flowers in the world but instead I'm giving you all the Love in my heart... :-) We have some precious girls!

Happy Valentines!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ramblings of the NARRELL's!

I'm so thankful today for sweet moments. For sweet friends and reminders~~ I was recently reminded by a sweet friend that bad moments do not make us bad Mom's. :-) We are ... believe it or not coming up to our "busy" time of the year.. pray for us with time management. ~~ Tennis season starts today but minus one Narrell. She will not start until she is released from Basketball. Practices started a month ago. This week they have three matches. ~~ Pray for sanity in the upcoming months! ~~ My husband is my pastor.... do you know how strange that can be a times?? Do you know how wonderful it is at times?? ~~ Pray for Kacey, she is going through a tough age, trying to find what she wants to do and who she wants to be and who she doesn't want to be ~~ Grace has had a tooth coming in on top of a tooth that has had to come out..... but it wasn't loose. The only appointment we could get was at 8:30 Wednesday morning. She found out and was determined not to miss school so for 3 days she has wiggled that tooth and lost the one beside it Sunday and lost it after MUCH drama tonight! But she has her new appointment down the road after school!! Thank you LORD! ~~ Mtn. View has started a ladies exercise class on Monday nights and I am enjoying it. ~~ I'm learning change is not always bad even when it isn't easy ~~ I'm trying to learn that house and little stuff can wait because one of these days my kids are going to be grown and gone.. ~~ They will not remember if the house was clean or the laundry was done but they will remember that I stopped to help make cupcakes or that I was there for a class party... ~~ I fail daily but I'm trying.. :-) ~~ One thing about my children getting older sometimes I see traits in myself that I don't want to pass on or that I may have already passed on and I think.. oh my.... We're all just sinners saved by Grace but lately I'm seeing just how much of a sinner I seem to be... ;-)

Happy Monday!

Pinterest/carrot cupcakes!

We love Pinterest...

we have found so many useful hints and I'm big into the organizational stuff.

Kacey made these cupcakes last night from scratch!

Carrot cake cup cakes with the icing in the middle..

She did it completely by herself.
pinterest up on the computer by her side!

some cream cheese filling!

And the finished product... cut in half!

One thing we learned though we need more cupcake on bottom and less on top!

Happy Pinning!