Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today was our annual awards lunch and I'm so glad it is over!!

 Last night Kacey played her first Fall league game.  It's player coached.  She enjoyed it I think mainly due to the no pressure and it was just for fun.
They won by 30 and Kacey had at least 18 points.  Played awesome!
on the way to the game we stopped and enjoy the awesome sunset.

Finding Joy in the journey!  Life's short, live it with a smile!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Our Weekend!

On Saturday, the men of the church had a men's day.  I kept these two sweet kiddo's so their dad could go, their Mom had to work.  We had a ball.

 On Sunday we celebrated Judy's 50th birthday!
Happy birthday Sister!

Happy Monday!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mtn. View

On Sunday Greg had the privilege of licensing this young man.  He had announced his call to preach a couple of months earlier.  Congratulations Matt.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

 Cell Phone Pictures...  Piper and Koda!
On Friday night we spent the evening with the Rowe's.  We had so much fun.
It was a nice relaxing evening with sweet friends.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Who are you encouraging today?

Kacey has been in a rough patch.  She is standing tall and strong but she has been tossed around by some life lately.  I hate it.  Growing up is hard. 
She is showing me she is resilient, beautiful and strong.

Yesterday she asked if she could stay after school to watch volleyball.
When I called her on my way home she said she was having to work the concession stand.  I being a fleshly Mom asked why she HAD too, she told me that another that shall remain nameless told her too.  I didn't like it at all.
I passed info along to Greg and he didn't like it either. 
But.... she said I don't mind Mom.  Then God let me see just a glimpse of his plans for her.
I hadn't even got home yet and I had a text from Grace's 4th grade teacher.
It read. 
"Hey I just wanted you to know that Kacey is precious.  I came into the gym for volleyball after a very crumby meeting and she noticed right off that something was wrong with me.  You have done a great job with her.  She has a precious heart.  Thank you"
What a sweet reminder that she is where she is supposed to be and yesterday the concession stand is right where God used her.
On the way to work this morning I received a phone call from a tennis Dad, I've not seen or talked to him since April.  He said he was in Arab the other day and ran into someone that spoke of Kacey.  He told me all they said and finished with.  You know we often call and tell the bad stuff I just wanted you to hear the good.  I just thought you would like to hear it...
So, I have been blown away at God's goodness and the way he is showing himself to Kacey and our family.  I have also been challenged, to be an encourager... help me to see opportunities Lord to lift people and share the good!  So who's with me... Let's be encouragers!

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  Ephesians 4:29

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


My cousin bought one of these and posted it on FB.  I loved it.
It reminds me so much of my Grandma Ruby.  I knew I had to have one, just as a sweet reminder.  She was always gardening canning and had a huge love for lilies.  What a sweet way to remember her.  It was cheap off etsy but I love it.  LOVE LOVE LOVE>  I can almost smell the coffee and see her hand go across her face as she giggles. :-)
Memories....  sweet precious memories.
It's funny because this picture represents so much to me but to Greg it's just as sweet. 
Mamaw Narrell had those lilies and canned.  Sweet memories.  We all have them I am thankful for them.  I pray my girls have their own.  :-)

What kind of memories am I going to leave.  I pray they are good ones and it challenges me! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Let's Bowl!

Who on earth organized a bowling trip the first night of school I have no idea.  It was fun but we were tired!
Kacey demonstrating her mad bowling dinosaur style!

Thankful to be part of such a great fun group!
Finding Joy in the journey!


First day of Jr. High and 6th grade for Grace....
First day of 10th for Kacey...
Look at my "babies" growing up on me.

I love you girls!  Rock this year!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Art Night!

Friday Greg played Golf with his co-workers, ate out all day and ended up at the movies so the girls and I plus three of Kacey's friends had girls night.  Rosie's, and shopping.  Well mostly window shopping but it was fun!  We ended the night with Yogurt Mountain!  Hard to beat!
While I made Pinterest bags for our back to school student's/teachers/and administration the girls helped me then got out the paints.  My house is a wreck!!  But it will keep!  RIGHT?

Love it!
I had a special one made for me as well!
Finding Joy in the journey!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Terri

After Kacey's orientation on Friday and getting pictures and schedules taken care of then on Saturday having a girls night plus Dad go to Bridgestreet to hang out!  We ate Mexican and had a lot of fun.  Today we had Terri's birthday bash. 

Happy Birthday Sister!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Homeward Bound!!!

Perdido Key

After soreness kicked in we really debated about a last morning sunrise but I'm so glad we didn't miss it.  Literally there was a full rainbow so close I couldn't get  a full picture of it.  A beautiful sunrise and dolphins playing in the surf.  It was like a fairy tail.  Indescribable. 

You can almost see a second rainbow as well.  The colors were so vivid the pictures do not near do the sight or the moment justice. 
a glimpse of heaven on Earth.

Reminding of the beauty we miss everyday because we don't slow down to recognize it and enjoy it.

We were lazy and loaded up late in the morning.  Checked out and headed to Gulf Shores to eat at LuLu's on the way home.  It is the time to go!  That I know....  Usually we hear it is like a 2 to 3 hour wait.  We had to wait for it to open.
You can tell we are really suffering while we waited!

but it was well worth the wait!
At least I thought so!
I'm so thankful for these three and a patient Husband that puts up with all us girls and the things we want to do!  He does so with a smile and never complains.  Even when we have to sit and wait for an hour!

Thank you Lord for time to be with our family and enjoy one another!
Just Another day in Paradise!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Perdido Paradise!

You see by now, the Narrell's are grouping in the shade!
A Sand Angel!

Just Another day in paradise!  We stayed at the condo today and ordered in pizza. 
The surf was rough but we still enjoyed our last full day of peace and rest!
Thank you Lord!