Friday, February 27, 2009

All Stars!

Arab All Stars

You played great, We are proud of you!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Friday Night - Rewind!

Kacey had her second dance of the year, and no we adults at the Narrell House do not like this milestone ~ not at all!
Grace had her basketball party at DQ in Guntersville, nothing like spending 2 hours with 8 screaming 7/8 year olds! The kids had a blast and the parents needed Advil! Grace loved her trophy and was very excited. She was sad to see the year end.
Ice Cream Cake!

Kacey played two All Star games Saturday night but Saturday morning we had a restful morning, I can't tell you the last time we were at home on a Saturday morning. No Volleyball at 8:30 ~ no ball practices.... IT WAS WONDERFUL!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Power of a Positive Mom!

Wow this book has challenged me... AND I'm only through the Intro and first chapter. I bought and read this book a few years ago. But this weekend God convicted me so about my children again, especially Kacey at the stage of life she is in. Not an adult not a baby and we are both having some adjustment pains! With everyone pulling on her time and with all she has going I just began to wonder with all the "you need to do this need to keep up with that, where is your homework be more organized, try harder".... she has plenty of people telling her those things. Be better... do more! But who does she have that says, GREAT job... You can do it! Don't get me wrong she has lots of support from extended family and church just to name a few. But I was convicted to do more, so with prayer and this book I'm praying I'll do more of the encouraging that she needs. I was thinking about this last week what was one thing of encouragement that stuck out... Kacey received a postcard in the mail from her Social Studies teacher. Understand that this teacher has 6 or 7 classes with around 20 +kids per class and she took the time to send a card that simply read; It is a pleasure having you in my class and I appreciate all the hard work you do, you are a wonderful young lady keep up the good work. Paraphrasing some but still the point was there. I intend to make sure this teacher knows how special I think she and the note were. Some people just have the gift of being encourager's, some people have to work harder at it and I plan on working harder!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How well do you know your husband?

I saw this on another blog and I thought I would give it a try.

Here it goes. I wanted to play along and see how well I knew Greg.

"How much do you know about your husband" test!!

1.He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? Either Sports or Hunting.. It amazes me how he can watch them track a Turkey for an hour on TV!

2.You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Ranch

3.What's one food he doesn't like? Sour Kraut!

4.You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order? Diet Dr. Pepper or unsweet Tea

5.Where did he go to high school? Arab High School

6.What size shoe does he wear? 10

7.If he was to collect anything, what would it be? Was being the word... Hmm guns ~ 4-wheelers umm he used to collect baseball cards but that was a long time ago.

8.What kind of sandwich does he like? Turkey at work if we go to Subway Sweet Chicken Teriyaki

9.What would this person eat every day if he could?I don't think he would like to eat anything everyday unless maybe a biscuit for breakfast.

10.What is his favorite cereal? He isn't much on cereal but I'd guess if I had to say one I'd say honey nuts!

11.What would he never wear? Anything Alabama, we made a bet long ago and had to wear one once I don't think he'll make that bet ever again!

12.What is his favorite sports team? Auburn/Dallas/Braves and Dale Jr.

13.Who did he vote for? McCain

14.Who is his best friend? He'll say me, just because it makes my heart happy.

15.What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Just one? empty his glass when he isn't done, he'll set it down and I'll dump it in the sink... I don't realize I'm doing it til I hear, where did my glass go...

16.What is his favorite color? Blue

17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? Orange cake with Orange icing

18. Did he play sports in high school?Yes.

19.What could he spend hours doing? HUNTING!

20.What is one unique talent he has? He can make anything with Wood or metal, it's just finding the time... I have lots of Greg made treasures...

I'll let you know how I did! Meanwhile, if you want to and tell us how well YOU know your husband!!


Look at us!
and Kacey ~ Wow

Thankful Thursday!

I'm thankful for my family!
~ Girls @ Ashley's Wedding ~
~ Daddy and Grace ~

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday!

I love my Babies!

And My babies love me ~ at least most days! :-)

Friday, February 13, 2009


Grace and Mrs. Hunt ~ She loves her teacher, she is the best!
Jasmine, Alexis, Grace and Maggie!

Grace enjoying her Valentine Day ice cream treat at her party yesterday!
Grace went from having a great day to... Momma my teeth hurt.... My ear kind of hurts
to crying in severe pain. Motrin ~ hot compress and some mommy time later it was better but she said "when I talk I sound funny" hmmm so this morning we took a trip to see Dr. Laue it's been awhile so for that I'm thankful but she had an ear infection and her ear drum had ruptured so that is why the pain had gotten better, when it ruptured it released the pressure... so I can add a new medicine to my thankful list ~ actually two (1) antibiotic and (2) pain drops for the ear! But how does it go from smiles to that pain in less than an hour??? To the point it ruptures with no warning.. Crazy! Just another Mommy mystery!
Happy Valentine's day from the Narrell's~!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

We have so much to be thankful for the list would be endless but here are a few things!

I'm thankful to be a follower of Christ ~ Through him all things are possible!

I'm thankful for my wonderful Husband and girls!

I'm thankful for our health. I'm thankful that we live in a time where we have medicine.

I'm thankful my parents are still in good health and I get to share my life with them.

I'm thankful for our church family and our friends!

I'm thankful for my Sisters even though I don't get to see them as much as I like. Roger Lynn too!

I'm thankful for our home!

I'm thankful for our jobs!

I'm thankful for my car ~ old! Lots of miles ~ but still running and no payment! :-)

I'm thankful for the sunshine today!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Kacey Update!

They left her medicine doubled and did some blood work, the medicine seems to be helping now so maybe she's over the worst. Thank you for praying.


Kacey ~ Bucky ~ Lawson
Kacey and Mom!
Kristi and Grace!
Greg and Grace!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Morning after!

Full day of school/volleyball/study for two spelling test! Math Homework! Finding time to eat.. Ball game at 6:30 (Kacey) and another at 7:30 (Grace) So two bathes and and Ice pack later we fell into bed tired oh yeah add one 9:00 trip to Walmart to find flowers for an art project that she ended up not taking... BROTHER! Busyness is my Babylon... But I working on it :-)

After the morning rush!

It makes my heart happy when they get along even if only for a minute!

Grace's 3rd warning to get up!
It is amazing how saying, I'm going to take a Bed head picture of you and post it on the blog can make a child seem to wake and move at a whole new pace! Evil I know!

Kacey! At this point she was awake but refused to move until I and my camera were far far away! I have some better ones but knowing my sweet oldest child the way I do, I'd be safe to stop here so I will!
Kacey has a whole new set of bruises this morning.... complete with a knot on her elbow, sometimes I wonder if they are playing basketball or football! She has a doctor's appointment today to have her acid reflux checked please pray that they will be able to find her some relief there have been a few days over the last two weeks that she hasn't been able to keep any food down and other days she'll be fine.. They doubled her medicine last week and we go for a recheck today. We've only had one bad day this week but please help me lift her up!
Have a great Friday!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Awana Awards!

Award for Sunday School Attendance.
Grace with her 1st book ribbon and her flyer wings!

Grace has finished her first book in Awana's. She has completed the handglider and now is off as a Hiker (Second year Sparks book). She loves AWANA's. Keep up the good work!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Grace's Basketball Pictures!


Kacey trying a hand at Volleyball!
Yes Volleyball!
Go figure! But she loves it.