Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The Rainbow fairy, Dora and Dr. Kelley!
I will just say, my dad is Crazy about special occasions... he goes out of his way to make things special.  Complete with a fire pit with Marshmallows, golf cart-hay ride and all.  Two makings of Hot chocolate and ghost in trees to make the hay ride special.  At the end of the night after he has scared them all to death he offer's 5 dollars for anyone who will walk around the house by themselves in the dark.  The older I get the more I appreciate my parents and all they do.  Sometimes they still drive me nuts but I'm so thankful for every opportunity to share time with them.  It's not as much time as I would like in our crazy hectic life but I still love every second. 

We made the trunk or treat rounds at the grove with our favorites.

I seriously think my Daddy has more fun than the kids do.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Zombie Concert!

The Zombie concert was for High school choral classes.  Some of the Jr. High students were invited to participate.  It was an honor for her to be selected and the music was cute but I must admit the attire totally got to me... 

Grace did an awesome job!  They sounded fantastic. 
I can't believe my baby is so grown up.
Anna Catherine was also in the concert.  Can you believe she is a SR.  she has been in the Choir for the last 7 years.
Brittany and Grace after the concert.

Loving the sweet moments in life!  Enjoying each day.....
Trying not to get Crazy from the hectic pace of life and reminding myself to stop
and enjoy the ride because one of these days we are going to miss this.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sunday Night!

After church Sunday night my sweet ones carved pumpkins and I worked on the Zombie Concert shirt.

Nothing like waiting until the night before to start working on the shirt.  Monday is dress rehearsal so I went to bed around 11:30 last night... 
Grace's heart.
Kacey's Cross

Happy Monday all!  Like it or not let's get this week started!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mountain View Fall Festival!

We had a very cold Saturday for the fall festival but we had a great turnout and lots of fun so for that we are thankful.  The wind was crazy cold! 

The hay ride was a hit and stayed full all day.  Even in the wind!
Kacey manning a station!
What a fun day!  To God be the glory.
Thankful for our new season of life and our church family.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Jones Party of 5!

Friday night Grace and Greg got to meet Ayda!

Grace might just be a little in love!
Big Brother too!

Proud new family of 5!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Welcome Ayda Jones

Jamie went into the Hospital Wednesday night for a procedure and was going to be induced this morning.  Being her third I really thought it was be faster this time but it seems Ayda had other plans.
She was born around 4:15 pm.
7 lbs and 6 ounces
19.5 inches long
Proud big brothers

Congratulation Jones Family!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This is the stuff!

 Today I met the bus at the Jones house to meet the boys.  Jamie spent the day in the hospital, they were monitoring Ayda's heartbeat.  Her due date  was yesterday.  She was discharged tonight.  We played, did homework, rode bikes and ate at chick-fil-a.     The picture to the left is a sneak peek at our Rainbow Fairy costume.  We found that on our Saturday adventure.

Saturday we spent the day watching Soccer.  Grayson played at 9 and Taylor at 10:30.  Grayson had at least 9 goals!  Both little guys won!
These was a snap shot of some Rowe/Narrell fun!

 Grace had a school project coming due and this is the page she did about Kacey.  I thought it was so sweet!  Love that these girls know they are lucky to have one another even on tough days. 
This is the stuff that makes me happy/crazy and I wouldn't change any of it if I could!  Love my life and our zoo crew!  Trying to remember sometimes it's just important to slow down and enjoy the moment.  We can't get them back.  :-)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Sunday Adventure!

 Sunday afternoon we decided to get out and walk/drive.  We went to the cold Hole and walked around.  It was beautiful and the day was gorgeous!  The water was so clear.

The cold hole spring comes from a little cave under the rock.  It's pretty cool and the water was crazy cold!

  From there we went to Hughes Cave, I had not been there in about 18 yrs! The last time I had gone Greg and I hadn't been married long and we went with BC and night.. In a thunderstorm. I can so tell we are MUCH older, I can not imagine doing that in the dark now. We were nuts. We went through the cave then and saw some scary stuff! I actually fell and broke my tail bone before we even got to the cave opening that night. The opening to the cave is about a 30 foot slope, you hang onto a rope and slide down but coming up was much more difficult. Fun times...  Coming up the embankment you cold feel the cold air rushing out of the cave.

 Lady bugs were everywhere!!!

 We enjoyed the day and each other's company.  I'm so thankful for these three.  I am thankful for each day I have the opportunity to share time with them.  Thankful for the smiles and free time time to share.  I so wanted a Sunday afternoon nap but I'm so thankful I didn't get one!