Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Time again for NO NOT ME MONDAY!

I did not busy myself recently one morning with My children to the point that I was in the car going to work look in the rear view mirror and realize, hmmm I didn't put any makeup on... NICE! Nope Not me, I am not loosing my mind!

My husband did not take off work to watch my oldest play her first basketball game for the jr high and because of a schedule mess up miss her first game :-( He/She/I were not sad about it either.... Her first game was not supposed to be at 11:30 and they played at 9:30. That would never be our luck.....

I did not spend yesterday in the Dr's office with my youngest with a bladder infection.

I did NOT leave my cell phone out by the pool yesterday in a chair as it started to rain and I did NOT sit with a blow dryer trying to salvage it last night for an hour. NOPE not me! Again, I am NOT losing my Mind!

I also during the same rain storm did NOT leave my car windows down and my car does NOT smell like a wet dog and my Bible was not in my passenger seat and was NOT soaked as well. I am NOT losing my mind!

Our church was NOT cancelled last night due to a lightening bolt hitting a substation and the power being off, Nope NOT us.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Picture Packed Post!

Let's start with Friday!
Friday for the second week in a row Kacey's team went to Samford!
Last week Greg went and this week we both got the opportunity so not only did we enjoy watching our oldest we had the day just the two of us. Grace had a birthday party to attend so she stayed with Mamaw so she could get picked up from there. So Greg and I got to enjoy breakfast, and a 2 1/2 hour break in between games at the galleria... anyway enough of that ~ back to Kacey.
She had 4 games... 4 games in an unairconditioned gymnasium... Greg and I were sweating sitting watching so I know they were miserable. She didn't say much just didn't eat much during the day, and drank at least 6/7 Gatorade's during the day or more. Coming home she ate and passed out in the backseat... She left home at 7 am and arrived home at 8:30 pm...
Looks like they are planning!

And on to Saturday!
We went to the lake for a birthday party.

Happy Birthday Will.
And Saturday afternoon we had some special guest!
Baby Ethan had his first visit to the Narrell's!
Mom and Ethan!
The 2 dads helping catch lighting bugs!
Don't let the out Greg!
Lawson's favorite part of coming to our house is Grace, he loves her!
And Sunday we had a pretty eventful day, full of Dr's office visits ~ Long story!
Fishing and even a nap. And some nice badly needed rain.
Hope you had a good weekend!
Happy Sunday!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

You thought I was kidding!

On the post about fishing with Dad and referred to the many times the girls yelled "Dad" well you just thought I was kidding, here are just a "few" I caught on film. :-)

Grace caught in a tree ~ now what was she thinking?!
Kacey tangled!
Grace Hung up on some rocks.

Grace tangled! Some the the tangles were so bad it was amazing how she could do it without trying!

Grace hung in a tree again!
All these do not count the times he changed the bait, they lost the bait! Got the line tangled while casting among many other things!
But we are thankful for one patient Dad! We did have fun and made some memories!
Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day!

Since a certain fellow blogger shamed me about no recent post! I better comply!
In my defense I tried to Post Sunday night about my hubby but my computer was giving me fits so in the best interest of all I had to stop before it fell to harm!

My sweet family has gone fishing crazy, I have a church member to blame, on a recent church picnic the girls were fishing with Buddy and well the rest is history, two new poles and stuff to go with it we've been fishing! I just watch with my book! :-) I'm good with that!
Greg's really patient with the girls. He heard Daddy about 200 times and he would just smile and go from one to the other, he didn't get to fish a lot the first outing but he was good with that. That's one of the reasons we love him!

Can I touch it?

Sunday Morning!

Sunday Afternoon! See I told you they had the fever! Crazy huh!
NOTE: Grace Pink pole!

Happy Father's Day to a GREAT dad!
We are so blessed God chose us to be your family.
We love you!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Jamie! and 100th post?

Wow, I remember my first post starting with something like ~ no promises how much I'll post maybe I can manage at least once a month! Hee hee I think that was before I was addicted. Didn't take long ~ huh! Happy 100th post!
And now on to .....

We hope you have a great day.... I wish I had planned ahead and I would have posted you in all your glory as Polk Salad Queen to make your birthday a little brighter!!!
Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lillies and Lighting Bugs!

Seems like yesterday, makes me sad, it goes way to fast!
I'm a little emotional today anyway, I guess that happens to everybody now and then
right? Please don't tell me it is just me!
A look at the year 2001....
The Lillies are in full Bloom!
My grown baby... well not grown but almost!

Silly Pictures!

Last night the Narrell's caught lighting bugs! One of summers greatest adventures! Have I mentioned I love living in the country!
Showing off her find.
Getting ready to release! And we had a beautiful sunset to enjoy as well.
Letting them go is almost as much fun and catching them.
God is Good!
The girls devotion book had a lesson one night about how God loves us so much that he not only gives us the things we need he gives us things for pure joy... even bugs that bottoms light up just to see us smile!
Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Do Others see Jesus in you?

This devotion touched my heart, our VBS lesson last night was on service.
Seems to be his theme for me this week...
HomeWord - June 11, 2009

Do People See Jesus in You? This devotional was written by Robin Dugall

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. — Colossians 1:27

Today, I’m passing along a story (author unknown). It asks a powerful question, “Do people see Jesus in you?” After you read it, pray that everyone would see your Lord in and through you each day!

I saw Jesus last week. 
He was wearing blue jeans and an old shirt. He was up at the building we call our church; He was alone and working hard. For just a minute he looked a little like one of the people who regularly attend our church. But it was Jesus, I could tell by his smile.
I saw Jesus last Sunday. 
He was teaching a Bible class. 
He didn't talk real loud or use long words. But you could tell he believed what he said. For just a minute, he looked like my Sunday School teacher. But it was Jesus, I could tell by his loving voice.
I saw Jesus yesterday. 
He was at the hospital visiting a friend who was sick. They prayed together quietly. For just a minute he looked like the guy I saw at the worship gathering last week. But it was Jesus, I could tell by the tears in his eyes.
I saw Jesus this morning. 
He was in my kitchen making my breakfast and fixing me a special lunch. For just a minute he looked like my wife. But it was Jesus, I could feel the love from his heart.
I saw Jesus this afternoon. He was cutting the grass in the community where I live. He was smiling and waving at everyone who was driving down our street. It made me feel special even if it was only for a moment. For a minute, I thought it was just another person we paid to keep our community clean. But it was Jesus. No one else has that much joy.
I saw Jesus tonight. He was sitting out in the street looking for someone to help him. For a minute he looked like just another homeless person. But it was Jesus. I could tell by the look of sincere suffering in his eyes.
I see Jesus everywhere. Taking food to the sick, 
welcoming others to his home, being friendly to a someone who needs love and for just a minute I think he's someone I know.
But, it’s always Jesus. I can tell by the way He serves.
May someone see Jesus in you today.

Where have you seen Jesus lately? What was He doing?
Ask someone you know when she or he last saw Jesus in you.
FURTHER READING: Matthew 25:31-46; Ephesians 5:1-2; Acts 7:54-60; 2 Timothy 1:6-10

My sign summer is HERE!

The Lilies are blooming!
Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Say Yes to VBS!

There is a song that has been sang the last few years at VBS - and one of the lines says
Gonna say yes to VBS
Gonna say yes to the blessing of studying God's word
Gonna say yes to the best thing - Jesus is Lord!
The kids love the song and what a message.
That's why we are here to reach the kids and to make learning about Jesus fun and exciting. It is one of the most tiring weeks of the year but it's a great tired and there is no other place I'd rather be!
These were taken last week decorating for VBS ~
It's not just a few it takes a village!
Our trusty helpers were entertaining themselves!
Of course KRowe is at home this week loving on her new baby but wanted to do something to help while she could ~ so she helped me while her other half worked on the playground equipment.
Kacey getting in on the action!
I am really proud of her she has basketball this week from 8 - 3 and never once complained about being tired and was ready to go last night at VBS!
Greg and I are Bible study guides for grades 1 & 2! After having preschool crafts last year we leave every night wondering if we've been on vacation, we are having fun and this age is really great to work with, they all are but this age is just soooo eager to learn...
Last night's theme was Worship Him.
After the Bible study story,
Greg was the patient in the game operation, the kids
got to chose a card and had to remove it with the tongs without touching the patient!
Pictured is Grace only just because, I didn't ask permission to post the other kids.
Once you removed say the voice ~ to get the point you had to tell how you can worship using your voice same for hands, feet, heart etc.. they loved playing the game!

And thank you to my great assistant that never complains even when I ask him to do crazy stuff! Can't wait for tonight ~ our lesson is the plan of salvation please pray that God will plant seeds! Happy Tuesday!