Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas tree!

We have a huge tree, really too big for our living room but we love it!
Or at least I do.

Greg video recorded the event!
Kacey hanging her Baby's first Christmas ornament!
We have so many ornaments that have special meaning.
Not the most expensive ever but priceless to us!

Merry Christmas!
Happy Monday!

Post for Greg

Okay for a second I'm going to pretend my blog is not just mine and let my Husband post...
So sorry Peta and Kristi stop reading now!

Don't say I didn't warn you!

Just another day in Paradise!

Friday, November 27, 2009


We had a great Thanksgiving. Food and Family ~ No better combination!
I had my camera on Thursday but with all the chaos I neglected to even get one picture...
I did get to rock babies and eat some great food!
I'm so thankful for our family and our health!
Friday against my better judgement I did shop a little with my dear husband that actually dragged me out of bed at 4. Another post for another time. I've only done that one other time and said never again, well never say never. So after shopping we put up a few decorations.
Our Garden flag!
Putting out our deer!
Don't ask!
We put our house lights up and then settle in to watch the Iron bowl.. We were expecting it to be a long painful game but hoped it wouldn't be. We didn't win but after the season we've had and the season the Tide has had we were happy with the way Auburn played and it didn't hurt our feelings that it probably cost Jerrod a little sweat after he relentless tortured Greg yesterday!
War Eagle!
Then off to park to see the lights turn on.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Time is going by so fast. Can you believe it is already Christmas again!
And remember the Thankful tree now it has it's Christmas fruit!
Happy Friday!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One day!

I'd love to go, help hand out shoeboxes..
By plane, or canoe, donkey
To see their faces.
To share Jesus!

Maybe not on an elephant but who knows.
One day!
I would love to go!

Weekend wrapup!

Saturday after we delivered shoe boxes we got to go celebrate Lawson's birthday with him.

After Birthday we did some visiting and grocery shopping, we made a day of it, we left home around 9:30 and got back home around 7!
Then we decorated our thankful tree.

On Sunday we had our family Thanksgiving. We started having our own Thanksgiving/Christmas dinners when Greg had back surgery 12 years ago and we couldn't go anywhere for Thanksgiving, we didn't enjoy the circumstance but made us realize how much we enjoyed having our own and wanted to start a few traditions with our own girls...
Let's eat!
I pray you all have a great Thanksgiving!
Be safe!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Operation Christmas Child!

This past week was the collection week for Operation Christmas Child. A ministry support by Samaritans purse set up to reach children around the world for Christ. The goal is to fill and send a shoebox that you mark for a boy or girl and the age group. The boxes are delivered by horseback, canoe, planes, it is an awesome opportunity to be a missionary without leaving your home town. They also send bibles in the children's native language. Pray for the children who receive these boxes as well as the missionaries using the boxes as a tool to reach families.
Our church packed 62 shoe boxes. That's 62 lives that will be touched for Christ through such a simple gift.
Grace had spend the night company Friday night and on Saturday morning when we went to pick up the boxes at church and take them to their next point I heard the girls talking in the back seat. Grace's guest was asking questions about what we were doing and Grace answered.. It was awesome to hear. She gets it, she know why we participate. She gets it... I love it.
I love that she and Kacey didn't want me to go get them without them, I love that they can see a way to minister one box and one child at a time...

Cool huh, I cried when we left. I think I always do. Grace asked why and I could only tell her that it makes me so happy to do something. We live where we have so much and need nothing but always want more, these boxes are going to where children maybe do not even have their basic needs met. Pray for these kids and if you have a minute if you go to the website and watch the videos of past years and see these kids faces light up when they get their box.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Friday Night!

Friday night Grace had a game.
She had spend the night company!
And Kacey had a dance!
Clay brought his girls over to play for awhile. We had a house full of girls!
Hang onto that ball girl!

Coach Dad's!
Foul shots
Happy Monday!

No Not me Monday

Being honest and living to tell about it.
I did not in the past week get to a gas station on fumes and then go to fill up and could get my gas cap off. It was NOT striped and the threads gone. I did NOT have to ask a guy fellow pumper to help me get my gas cap off and I did NOT feel like a dumb blonde when I asked and he rolled his eyes, NOPE NOT ME!
I was NOT in my old car and this striped gas lid did not make me go to work and figure out an estimation of in the life time of that car I had NOT filled it up an estimated 510 times already... NO WAY it couldn't have that many miles on it!
I did NOT spend 30 minutes recently looking for one of Kacey's 3 ankle braces after she twisted her ankle in practice only to have her pull it out from under her bed. Now why wouldn't I have looked there! Of course everybody puts them there right?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Heavy Heart!

These pictures where taken at Andrea's ribbon ceremony. Andrea is now in Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Her unit will leave for Kuwait/Iraq on Dec. 29th from Ft. Sill. Thursday was their deployment ceremony in Anniston. At 299 soldiers theirs is the largest Army deployment in US.
But I can't imagine, but I can pray.

Breaks my heart to think about it. But I would ask you to please pray for their family as well.
God Bless you Andrea we are praying.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Lawson!

I can't believe how big you are! 4 can that be right?
And you have such a big heart.
Happy Birthday
We love you!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Boaz Vs. Arab

Guess what we did last night?
I know you will never guess.

Arab 38 Boaz 3
Kacey had 10 points!
They are 7 and 0 for the Regular season
Overall 9-1!
We are proud of you girls

Post for Kacey!

A Post for Kacey she has yet to hear her name in the morning, we always are either getting ready or forget to turn on the radio... so Kac this is for you!

Just listen ignore the picture!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pray like crazy!

I read a devotion today and this line just jumped off the page at me. "we point her in the direction of God at every turn and pray like crazy."
Our kids our special gifts from God, we love them but they are their own individual people. We can't control nor would we really want too but we can PRAY LIKE CRAZY!
Here is the link if you would like to read the whole devotion.


Sometimes people say things and you can't figure out exactly what they mean....
This morning when I got to work I was told..
Wow ~ your hair today, you look like some body's mother?
Hmmmm thanks,,,, hmmm who's mother maybe?
Not real sure how to take that one.

Oh, and the same lady told me one day I looked healthy, isn't that another word for plump... hmmm

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Arab vs. DAR

Monday was full of activites at the Narrell's. I left work and drove 45 min to DAR then as soon as that game was over we drove 45 to Grace's. Home with Homework and then we passed out! Just another day in paradise!
No other place I'd rather be.
Kacey hit both her foul shots.
Never have I seen a game where my child was on the bench and happy about it. But after the 1st qtr we were ahead 28 to 0 so she was pretty happy to sit!
Congrats girls! 6 and 0 in the regular season play!
Kacey had 6 pts and they won 53 to 4.
Happy Tuesday!