Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend.

We had such a good weekend. Friday night we got some sweet rest after a Mamaw B. visit!

Saturday we swam and then had a night at the Rowe's where I took the only pictures from the weekend. I took those on my phone...

We had a great time fishing and laughing

This girl loves to fish. Her sister not so much... Grace would fish for hours and did. The dark ran them in finally. Thankful for pond stained feet! Thankful for a friends that lends clothes, boots and Shout, for wonderful food and sweet fellowship. Thankful for tangled and broke fishing lines and for friends we can laugh with and make messes with and can just be...

Thankful that no matter what gender and age separates our kids, they still have a blast when they are together!

Thankful for a Sunday of church and family fellowship that celebrated an adoption and for chores completed, family time spent and a great day with my sweet family.

Thankful for Monday that consisted of new furniture/swimming/grilling/ice cream and planting new plants... Who knew I would be so excited about blueberries!

Thankful for a pastor that encourages and made my husbands weekend. :-)

Thankful for our health and praying for the sweet one in the picture above. Thankful for God's grace and love... Today I'm thankful. I'm thankful and I'm full.... Thank you Lord.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Award's Day

I'm not sure how it happened but this year has already come and gone... sniff sniff,

my babies are another year older and soon to be in 5th and 9th grade, makes me weepy just thinking about it, I will warn you know, senior years, I WILL be a basketcase, go ahead and accept it! :-(

Waiting for the program to start!

Being recognized for all A's for the year

She was recognized for 1st place at County roundup for Her healthy living presentation

She was recognized for top reader in her class.

She was the second top reader at AES!

She was recognized and recieved a trophy for having over 300 AR points.

She had 410.

Sweet friends.

And she recieved National Physical Fitness.

We are so proud of you Grace, you are beautiful on the inside and out and we are so blessed to be your Mom and Dad.

We love you!

Greg, Mom and Kacey were there and she told us a thousand times, thank you for coming, I'm so glad you got to come, did she actually think we would miss it for the world... I don't think so.

Hello sweet summer, and oh year, time.... can you please slow down some!

You are making this Momma, tired, old and sad!

Happy Thursday all!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday Softball!

My girl pitched for 3 innings.

She was walked once and got 2 really good hits.

pretty good for a tired Narrell that came home from school and stayed in the pool all afternoon!


Monday, May 23, 2011

Field Day 2011!

Field Day is so different from when I was in school, for field day we played basketball, softball and kickball...

Today's field day is wild! The kids are wild and the day makes me feel old!

I worked two hours on the dry slide in the heat, and again, I was the only one at my slide and so for two hours, I said, don't go down two at a time, ONE AT A TIME, go down on your bottom, No you can't go head first, I said ONE AT A TIME. It made me feel old and cranky!

Tug- a war

instead of a dunking both, they had a spray both...

Right in the face!

but she didn't mind!

Sweet friends

Alyssa, Brittney and Grace

By lunch the mud was ever present!

Again, they didn't mind.

So thankful I have the opportunity to spend time with my girl.

I'm blessed.

Bubble time!

They loved it, I couldn't stand the thoughts of it, but again, I'm old!

Then for the kids favorite part of the day, they line up at 1:45 and for the next 30 minutes they get sprayed but the fire department, luxuries of a small town life!

I don't know who has more fun the kids or the fire department!

They get a little wild during this especially!

The guy on top likes to start spraying it short, so the parents get close for pictures then he turns it up and fans and many parents got soaked!

I may be old, but I can move, I did not get wet, at least not this year!

We thought it was over, I started up the catwalk to go check out my girl while she was going to change and then boom, but thanks to the catwalk and the alcoves, for the doors, I stayed dry...

What a fun day....

We completed the day at the public library and then to the orthodontist.

We are all proud owners of public library cards, and why haven't we done that before!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

AAU Saturday!

AAU Friday and Saturday....

Our last AAU weekend...

We are sad because she loves it but so not sad because we are ready for some down time...

See 35, that's Shelby, Kacey's friend that's one year older. It was fun watching them play each other.
Post game, Kacey trying to get Lane to look up for a picture...

On to the next game.

Foul shots.

We won!

Hope you had a good weekend!

Sunday we spent about an hour at the pool...

Greg preached at Faith Rock.

Loving some summertime!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Award's Day

Today was Academic Awards day.

Kacey was recognized for Beta

Presidential Physical Fitness

A Honor roll for the year.

Way to go Kacey we are so proud of you. It's been a long year with snow days, storm days and lots of ball.... Keep up the awesome Grades!

She wanted a new dress for the occasion and since she has been sick. I'm happy to report I bought her a dress and she liked it enough to actually wear it!

Silly picture....

I can't believe we are going to high school! YIKES!