Friday, April 30, 2010


Thank you God it's Friday!
Thank you Lord for my Husband!
Thank you Lord for my beautiful inside and out daughters!
Thank you Lord for our health.
Thank you Lord for images like this.
And for Mornings like today.
Grace's Brown sugar. Can you tell he has been through a lot!
Grace sleeps with him every night.
Why is he in our bed? Grace came in to snuggle when Greg left this morning. Makes my heart happy! When Kacey got up she was in a GREAT mood.
When Kacey got up she heard me telling Grace you've got to get up!!! For maybe the third time!
Next thing I know Kacey is in there tickling her and playing and they are both laughing so hard, I love that sound....
I could drink it up!

Grace whispering with all smiles: Momma, Kacey is in a really good mood!
Me: I know, I like it
Grace: Me too, even though she showered me.
Me: Showered you?
Grace: Yes with Water then tickled me!
Grace: I think we should let her spend the night more often. It makes her happy!
Me: WE??
Grace: Yep!

Just Another Day in Paradise!
~No other place I'd rather be~

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday's wrap-up

After school ~Kacey had a dentist appointment.. My sweet parents saved me some very valuable leave from work and carried her to the dentist and then treated her and Grace to Milliner's Dairy Delight... I met them there after work and Kacey changed back into her dress in the bathroom and off we went back to AJHS to Beta inductions. She sang with the choir to start the ceremony. She is kind of hidden you have to hunt her!
Greg and Grace had went to Gilliam to clean around Mamaw and Papaw's headstone.
He is serious about it to, carries his weed eater, water and scrub brushes.
Today would have been Mamaw Narrell's Birthday...
Grace is a hard worker too. ;-)
When we got home we walked around some just to be out on this beautiful day!
My Clementius

Iris from Grandma Ruby's house.

I pray you've had a wonderful Thursday!

Kacey - Athletic Award's Day!

Today was Kacey's 7th Grade Athletic Awards Day!
This year has gone by so fast and this event starts our crazy schedule for the next month. This next month the Narrell's are blessed when we only have one thing a day on our calendar..
Exactly how do people with more than 2 kids keep up!?
I took a few pics or her in the crowd until!
I was spotted! :-)
So she decided to pose!

Ms. Thompson was her 7th Grade basketball coach.
The girls were 16-2 on the season and 2009-2010 county Champs!
All smiles ~ gotta love it!
And Gorgeous too, if I do say so myself!
7th Grade girls Team!
Then on to JV Tennis
Her personal record was 6-1.
Paige, Jessica, Ashley and Kacey
Paige, Kacey, Shelby and Ashley
Mom and Kacey... you know she was ready for me to GO! ;-)
Kacey and Mary Ellen.
Way to go Kacey we are proud of you!
You've had a great year and we are so blessed to be your Mom and Dad!
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday Mid week wrap up!

Revival this week has been wonderful!
I was sad to see it end.
This revival has been especially sweet sharing it with my parents.
It's been a time of sweet fellowship and growing in my faith. Thank you Lord.
At invitation time tonight Grace looked up at me and said can we have more revival, and with that preacher?
I was telling Greg before church tonight.. Look...
Our clothes hamper is empty!!
God truly blessed our time this week. We've been able to go enjoy and it seems like when we get home we still have time to do what we need too... God is so good!
We've had ballgames in the past that last an hour and we come home Crazy running trying to get it all done and ready for the next day. Except for tonight we've been in bed everynight by 9:30..
Even today when we got off work we went straight back to the ER to get Grace's staple out and we were in and out in 10 minutes. It was such a God thing!
And the staple coming out wasn't too bad. Easy for me to say!
She was nervous, but so brave!
What a sweetheart!
Now time to get ready for a busy busy Crazy over booked Thursday!
I just completed a late night Wal-Mart run to buy a new black Cami to go under Kacey's dress for tomorrow!
Details to come ~ For now I must sleep!!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

No Not Me Monday!

Being Honest and living to tell about it!
I have not recently went through a stack of papers that I should have gone through months ago. I did NOT find a Christmas card with a gift certificate inside that ahem I was supposed to give as a Christmas present ~ Dang I knew that went somewhere!
I did NOT also find a card in there that was still blank that I bought last May that said thank you for being my teacher. I did not buy it for Grace's teacher. oops...
I also did NOT find a card in there already filled out and sealed to MOM and DAD from last October that said, Happy Anniversary. I did NOT have a real talk with myself about being more proactive about being organized!
I have NOT been bribing my child with having a family birthday party only instead of a friend party with the promise of a little bigger gift with the money we would have spent on a slide again this year. I did NOT tell her it was totally up to her and that she could still have a friend spend the night if only the 250 dollar slide would take the boot! I would Never be that kind of Mom! The Mom that is tired and would bribe a child. I am NOT just a little bite ashamed of myself!
On the way to taking my child to the ER I didn't have to hid my laughter at my child totally having a moment...
Happy Monday!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday Post!

Saturday the Narrell ladies got haircuts...

On the way home we stopped and picked up lunch. We got home and fixed our plates. Kacey and Grace wanted to watch a movie in our room so they had it all set up. Grace came back into the kitchen to get something else and turned skipping back to our room. She made it as far as the computer room on the wood floor and lost her footing. Her head caught the corner of the telephone table and down she went.

So Grace ended up with her First injury ER visit (we've been twice when she was little for Asthma)

On the way to the ER

Grace: This is the worst day of my entire life, I've never been hurt like this. Have I lost too much blood? What are they going to do?

We got to the ER and Praise the Lord the waiting room was empty! We were back in less than 5 minutes and the doctor came right in. I can not explain the look of terror in her eyes when the doctor said she needed a staple

Grace: Like you staple paper with?

Me: Not exactly

Grace: Will it hurt?

Doctor: Well it will sting some. Now you have to be real still.

Those poor little pleading eyes were so pitiful and it was done. She was so brave not a tear was shed during the staple, now when it was first done that was a different story and when she saw the blood she lost it.

She and Daddy waiting for the paperwork so we could get out of there! She was proud of her arm band, kind of a badge on honor. Okay, not for the weak at the stomach. We piled on the coach and watched Planet 51, it was a cute movie and she was able to take her mind of things for awhile. then we ended up in the hall not once but twice. Thankful we were spared any damage but our neighbors on Sand mountain were not as fortunate. Our prayers are with those that are having to clean up and those that were affected by the storms.

Thankful that Grace wasn't hurt any worse. Except for missing some softball she'll be good as new in a few days!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Game 2!

Grace Narrell Fan Club!
She played pitcher all night!
Here she is getting a pep talk from her sister coach! She had just stopped a ball with her Shin bone and Kacey asked her if she was okay.....
Grace's words were NO ~ My leg is hurting BAD!

She was up to bat twice and got two good hits!
She also got 4 outs again!
She is on a roll!
Don't they have a cute bat boy!
Coach pep talk!
And our first win of the season! Go Knights!
We were excited about going to Relay for Life.
We were sad it started raining as we were leaving the ball field.
By the time we got to the soccer field it was lighting so Coach Greg didn't get his funnel cake!
We love Relay for Life
In Honor of: Roger Gibson
In Honor of: Gayla Narrell
In Honor of: Grace's teacher ~ Carrie Hill
In Memory of: Gene Gibson
In Memory of: Evelyn Gibson
In Memory of: Sheila Jackson
And for the many others that have fought and will fight:
In Memory
In Honor
and In Fight!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thank Goodness it is Friday!

Thank you Lord it is FRIDAY!
And thank you that we have a mostly restful weekend to look forward too!
Yesterday Grace and I were cleaning up the water and the food for our one lone duck!
And we let the unthinkable happen, he escaped.
My sweet husband was calling the duck like a dog...
I laughed so hard, he was using some fancy footwork to catch Henry!
He was smiling but kept telling me "you aren't helping"
I was supposed to keep him running the other direction.. and what miss the photo opportunity?
After Greg turned around and almost fell he caught Henry!
He is fine and will soon find a new home on a pond all of his own!
After a small hissy fit I agreed to help Greg pull off his old tractor with his new one.
I could use the truck for this but he was rather insistent that I learn to drive the new one!
I think I threw the line in there about WHY do I need to learn, it's your thing not mine, I don't make you learn to pluck eyebrows! He just smiles!
Then I followed with a fine but I don't have to like it! He still just smiles!
Have I ever mentioned how laid back he is!
I was taking my job seriously as you can see I was texting Kacey for her pick up time!
We got the old tractor where it needed to be. His new tractor used to be his uncles and his old tractor is a farmall 100 it was his Granddaddy's and I don't think he would ever part with it.
It is suffering with a dead battery.
and ssshhhhh don't tell my husband, but it wasn't that bad! I think I could learn to like being a farm girl... well maybe that's stretching it a little!
Then we tackled this!
All I can say was what was I thinking?
I went to find decoration flowers for Greg's grandparents and
I just didn't find any I liked they had colors together I just was not crazy about soooooo I thought I'll just buy flowers surely I can do it myself!
ahem, I had a week moment.
I always buy the saddle with the matching flowers and do the side vases myself but a saddle
How hard could it be?
Where do I begin!
Still not happy with it I think I need more around the bottom.
I plan to add some around the bottom that hang down.
I'm not sure, It was certainly not cheaper to do it myself that was for sure!
But oh well, we love doing it and it's our way of honoring them.
I used to want to open my own florist... So I guess this is the best of two worlds!

Happy Friday all!

Thankful Thursday!

I've been a bit of a mess this week. I'm tired. I've got a little going on!
I sure could use a house fairy to come in and clean while I'm gone!
But today is a new day and today I choose to focus on the good,
I choose to control my attitude instead of letting life control me..
I choose to be happy!
I saw a prayer online today that I thought was very befitting me today I thought I would share!

Thank you God for giving me another day, another chance to become a better individual, another chance to give and experience love. Thank you God for giving me health, for the food you provide, for the awareness you have awaken in me...Thank you for the energy that feeds my soul, the sun that warms our bodies and the air that fills our lungs... Because of you I believe in the good without the bad and the ugly, because of you I am learning to love and accept myself, because of you I believe in believing. My source, stay connected to me today and always, for I need you in order to fulfill my spiritual tasks...God, show me how to love myself, to be able to love others. Help me become the type of person that I would like to befriend, help me forgive myself and forgive others... God, make me a channel of your energy and help me understand. I thank you God for giving me another day, another unused opportunity to do it right. Keep us all close to you and listen to our prayers. Amen.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

All About Grace Tuesday!

Grace loves to read! She loves Nancy Drew.
Thanks to me and ebay! ahemmmm
She has 20 new Nancy Drew books.
She is loving it!

Then Drum roll please!
Grace's first ever softball game!
We were all excited.
Now isn't she pretty in pink!
Pink glove/bat!
We played the Guntersville Diamond dolls!
First ever up to bat!
It was a double!
I don't know who was more excited, her, me, Daddy or Papaw!
Mamaw was just cold! :-)
The first 2 innings she played short stop and got 2 outs!
You go girl!
Short stop!
Too many pictures you say....nahhhhh never!
I also had to snap a shot of the sunset because I love sunsets!
Go Grace Go!
The last two innings she played pitcher! The hat was a little big on her!
She got two outs at pitcher as well!
That makes 4 in case you were wondering!
She got a hit all 3 times up to bat. Made one score.
We lost by 3 but we had a blast! Great first game!
Can't wait til the next one!
Happy Tuesday!
Just Another Day in Paradise
~ No other place I'd rather be ~