Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Post

After a whirlwind trip to the wedding on Saturday we flew home and jumped in the car again for some trick or treating... I forgot to take a picture of the paschal clan... :-(
Grace was a Cowgirl or Barney Fyffe, I've heard way to many Barnisms this weekend.
But she had fun. I was thankful her Friday bug was short lived and she was well enough to enjoy the night.

Sunday night at Awana's...
Aren't they cute...
And our shark!

We had a good, but incredibly busy weekend. Crazy running in 2 different directions kind of weekend. We are just trying to seize the moment in this crazy everyday life and take the time to laugh and hug and remember one day we are going to miss all this running.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Scottsborro VS. Arab

Post updated to add Mark's Pictures.

Still have some updates to add ~~

Kelley/Brett's wedding

Today I headed to Tuscaloosa for a wedding.
Congratulations Kelley and Brett!

It was a beautiful wedding with a beautiful Bride.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thrusday night...

I'll update with Pictures later but we won by 4... It wasn't pretty but it was a win.
And involved blood/scratched eye/head on the floor/ and jammed or broke finger....
Oh yeah... and that was all just with My child..
Nights like that make me remember why I want to be there. Not just so I can see those shots and cheer them on but so I can be there... others care about winning I care about my Baby! The trainer treated her for a slight concussion... yes this was basketball.
her eyes weren't dilating properly the one that got scratched was HUGE)
So we were up every hour for the first little while last night but she is much better this morning and her eyes look normal. So I'm thankful she is better.
I am one tired Momma!
And then you know that Mommy of the year Award..
yeah, I will not be accepting that anytime soon.
Grace was a little sick this morning and I let her go to school.
Honestly I thought it was drainage and she was only at school about an hour and a half when the school called and she had thrown up in the hall..
Can you say Mommy guilt... hmmm where is that umbrella?
Thank you LORD it is Friday....
qoute of the morninig..
Grace: Momma I'm sorry I threw up in your car
Grace: Now that is something you don't hear everyday!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Proverbs 31 Mom!

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty hard on myself...
Kacey is hard on herself and I wonder where she gets it... and then I do it!
I get lost in the circumstance and forget it is not just a moment that makes us good Moms or what we do, it's the day to day good and hard stuff!
The discipline that nobody enjoys and the hugs and encouragement that I feel like I need to remember to do more of....
This devotion was great, because I can relate, our mornings can start off so great and then one thing can change it's looks... Mornings are a challenge for us!
Greg God Love him is long gone before we get up... I think he is pretty smart!
Life's short... Enjoy the moment!

Monday, October 25, 2010

So it begins.....

Arab Lady Knight
First game of the 2010 - 2011 season
Before tip off.
Kacey got the first point of the season.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me is her verse as she shoots

She had 8 points
They did great....
She fell on her knee so she has been bathed in biofreeze!
Boxing out

Final Arab 46 Cullman 19
Way to go Lady Knights!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekend wrap up

Basketball practice
early morning hair cuts and
an Auburn cowgirl...

riding her horse!

Fall Festival, I didn't take many pictures were to busy
popping popcorn and cake walking...
Sunday Kacey had Tennis tryouts and Grace had tennis clinic..
perfectly busy weekend!
And tomorrow begins some AJHS basketball
Go Knights!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday run down!

Grace's first 4th grade report card!
Kacey's first 8th grade report card!
Homecoming was tonight. It has occurred to me this is her last Homecoming of probably not wanting to attend the dance... hmmmm
She was asked this year and she declined. thank you Lord, that she didn't even want to go.
But it will come soon I am sure!
Busy weekend ahead!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What's in your backyard?

What's in your backyard.... Want to see what has been in mine recently... Sure you do... I thought so. Greg a few years back got a game camera and we put it in the front yard recently to find out what is digging in my flower beds.... Cats Cats an CATS... Never mind the fact we do not own cats, being in the country that doesn't keep them from coming around... After a few nights he moved it to the back yard by the back creek.... and we got LOTS of pictures of SUGAR! Like a thousand!

And Deer Pictures..
A coyote
more deer and more eyes in pictures that we could never even make out what animal they belonged too
trick raccoons!
And this creature.... hmmm What do you think it is? when you zoom in you see his spots we think he is a Bob Cat? Do you know?
What I do know is next time we are in the yard at night looking through the telescope or laying looking at stars or "camping" I think I will be much more aware of my surroundings!
And the best for last, I think Sugar decided to pose, or maybe she is telling the camera enough pictures. I agree after this she has to be the most photographed horse ever....

Just Another Day in Paradise...
no other place I'd rather be.....

Family Pictures!

For my Brother and Sisters...

Mother's eyes crack me up here good thing the photographer will have some too.

Thankful Thursday coming soon
My only regret is that we didn't take one EVERYbody picture... Not sure
we would have fit into the lens...
but a Mom dad Kid grandkid great grandkid picture....