Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Birthday Pictures!

Kacey wanted a dirt cake so we made 2 this little one and then a big one that she carried to youth Wed night. She loves oreo cookies! It's the first year, we've not had a big family party and we tried just getting everybody together. For her friend gathering she wanted to go to the mall and walk and eat.... ugh, tell me we are not getting to big to fast.

The little one was a must because Dad was insistant that WE get to sing birthday wishes too..

Grace wanted to light the candles... It took some time!

" Happy Birthday to you"

Silly pictures

Sister Love

And on Saturday night, Greg was at the cabin for the day and the Rowe's came by to birthday Kacey... Why! Because Lawson Rowe would have nothing else. He called Kacey Wed morning to tell her happy birthday and then asked Kristi when the party was. And was he not invited. Well to say the least we had to have a Lawson/Kacey party, anything else just wouldn't do...

Is that not the sweetest thing.

Hope you had a good birthday baby girl!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Do Lord and Tickets!

Yesterday Grace and I took a short road trip on the way there Mom was in the car with us and on the way home it was just the two of us, I learned a LONG time ago, radio with this child just isn't going to work. As soon as you cut it on she has a revelation to talk about! Which is fine by me. So on the ride home yesterday Grace says, Momma do you want to sing Do Lord?
I said if you do I would love to, so for 20 minutes we sang Do Lord to the top of our lungs and when we finished, Grace said Momma I love you... ahhhh I love being a mom!

And Kacey loves Francesca Battistelli she sings Free to be me. She is a little perfectionist and that song was written for her! So this morning when I heard on the radio that she was coming close I jumped on the opportunity. And Leeland and Brandon Heath are joining her. I couldn't pass up the chance so we now have tickets and I am praying that God paves a smooth path that night. Kacey we know doesn't have a game so we are praying it stays that way and that Grace is game free that night as well.

I pray you are having a great Tuesday, I am certainly enjoying the sunshine!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

13 years of being a mom!

Just something fun! 13 things that being a mom of 13 years has taught me!

13) It doesn't matter, how much you barter, bribe or fuss, kids are not going to get along all the time... At some point you have to get over it!

12) Sometimes when you make a child taste something she doesn't like, you will have a mess to clean up!

11) You can operate on 4 - 5 hours sleep for years and live to tell about it.

10) My house doesn't have to always be perfectly clean. It will still need cleaning long after they are grown!

9) That just when you think you have the parenting thing figured out they will do or say something that makes you realize that you don't have a clue.

8) When family huffs about you taking so many pictures it is okay one day they will be precious memories. Like when you go to the beach and one night is set aside to dress up to lay in the sand! :-)

7) They are always watching and everything you do and say can and will be held against you later!

6) You'll change your plans to attend meetings/games and sit hours on hard blenchers just in case they hit their first two points, or hit a home run ~ you wouldn't miss it for the world.

5) You become part of a sacred kinship of women around the world that when you are in Wal-mart and hear someone yell Mom you turn around even know you know it isn't your child.

4) You learn to chose your battles, if it doesn't comprise your morale's and it isn't going to matter a week from now, let her wear the shirt that you hate! She is her own person and we don't have to agree on all things. Although length you learn to stand your ground.

3) You learn life is short, enjoy the moment.

2)You learn that if you don't like something hang on it will change tomorrow anyway.

1) and you learn that no matter what being a Mom is the best job on Earth! And no matter how old they get, you never get tired of the bedtime hugs, prayers and kisses and I love you Mom grows even sweeter.

Happy Thursday

Happy Birthday Kacey!

Happy Birthday Kacey!
13 years... Where did the time go?
Seems like only yesterday we were bringing you home.
Daddy and Kacey the day she came home from the hospital.
At 4 days, you went back to the hospital and stayed for more than 2 weeks with a blood infection, we were scared and quickly realized no matter how much we loved you some things were out of our control. I remember talking to a prayer partner during that time when we were waiting on test to come back and telling her it was amazing how much you can love someone that fast...
Kacey's first Easter.

And 1st birthday....
Your such a great big sister. You were so excited when you found out that you were going to be a sister and told everyone.
You bring so much joy to us.
But you've grown to fast!
7th birthday. You asked me to make your cake that year and every year since you will not let me buy one I get to make it.
Now look at you... Such a young lady.
we just want to wish you a Happy birthday and tell you how very proud we are that God blessed us with the gift of being your Mom and Dad and Sister!
And watch out ~ our house has just become a teenager's zone!
Lord help us!
Happy Wednesday!

Dudu soap!

Made with 100% organic and natural ingredients, Dudu Osun Nigerian black soap is one of the most effective soaps to treat problematic skin conditions. Dudu Osun African black soap has long been a staple in Nigeria and West Africa for hundreds of years. That is because this 100% organically crafted black soap entails many benefits including its ability to deeply clean skin, remove makeup, reduce oily skin and relieve skin conditions such as eczema, hives, ringworm, psoriasis and skin rashes. Ingredients that lends to the healing and therapeutic properties of this wonderful soap bar include unrefined shea butter, African wild honey, Camwood, Palm Kernel Oil, Cocoa Pod Ash, Glycerine, Palm Bunch Ash, Aloe Vera and Lime juice. Because of its high concentration of organic shea butter, Dudu Osun black soap can be used as a treatment for acne, blackheads, and skin blemishes and can also be used to help diminish the appearance of uneven skin tone, dark spots and marks. Wild African Honey lends Dudu Osun soap its ability to soothes and smooths skin and lessen skin irritation thus making Dudu Osun suitable for people with sensitive skin, including infants and the elderly.

Now you know! I have inherited eczema, nothing compared to what my Mom battles but still I have it and Kacey and I are trying it out, we'll let you know if it works! A co-worker has been telling me for years about it and I figured what can trying it hurt, and I'm happy to report after 2 days our faces haven't fallen off, even know Grace worried about it!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

a Do over!

Are there days that you just wish you could rewind time... Days when you just don't know what happened, you get up at the same time and before you know it your running late and everyone is cranky and it just crumbles... And then I think about the morning for the rest of the day and wonder what I could have done different... Yep, I need a Narrell morning Do over...

Is it just me, do you ever feel that way?

Monday, September 21, 2009

I have not been on a blogging break mostly because I didn't have anything I felt like blogging about......
I've not stayed up late tonight looking through albums of my sweet little babies and I've not let myself get sad...
I did not even mention to my husband that I shouldn't have spent so much time going through the albums because it was so wonderful and brought back so many sweet memories..
I did NOT have a horrible time picking out just a few pics for an upcoming post.
We did not get dudu soap in the mail today. We've not been waiting on it for days to come in so we could try it... 1/2 the Narrell's couldn't wait to try it tonight to see if it does help. We'll let you know.
My youngest was grossed out by the looks of it and the name and declared that we were insane. Not to mention it doesn't smell the best but hey we'll try anything ONCE!
She did not throw her little wrinkled nose in the air and ask is it made from real poo....Uh NO!
Not my tactful child.
I did NOT laugh at myself today when I was getting on to a child and have to run away to keep from laughing out loud, as did my not so helpful at the moment husband...
Happy Monday!
Now let's get some sleep!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What does your morning look like?

Mine has changed over the years from getting ready and just leaving to adding babies which means diaper bags and bottles and Car seats. Now mornings are interesting and I pray everyday for a smooth one.. You never know!
Today was a good day.

Kacey's pile of bags for the day, between school book bag, her basketball clothes/shoes and her pack with some Gatorade and a snack so she'll have some fuel for her two hour basketball practices...

And my sweet little bookworm who seems to be on a mission to keep the highest AR points in her class. She is reading the Judy Blume books. I read the same books when I was little. She LOVES them and I'm getting to hear lots of stories.

So, we had a good morning, even with the rain. Thank you Lord. It makes the days where it seems all I do is prod and beg and threaten kids if they don't move! But this stage too shall pass and I for one am in no hurry for it to do so....
Happy Wednesday!
Bloom where you are planted Mary Englebriet

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weekend in Review!

Greg went to work at the cabin and Kacey went whitewater rafting with the youth.
Grace and I had a weekend together for the first part.
She had a friend spend the night Friday night and Saturday we caught up with the Rowe's at the community fair.
Grace being a dare devil... hmmm I think after this weekend I have a few new gray hairs!

Yum blue icees
Ethan snoozing through it all...
We didn't buy much but we enjoyed the morning!
And I won a blanket with our school colors and name embrodiered!

We had a visit from the Jones's Saturday night...
Those are the sweetest two, I just wish I had some of that youthful energy!
After having two girls it's fun to play cars/swords and superhero's!
And wrapped up the night when Greg got home just in time to watch the Auburn Game!
Sunday we met Mamaw B and the Batemon's for lunch to celebrate Mamaw's birthday!
Great weekend, just left us needing a nap!
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Slow me down Lord!

Slow Me Down, Lord ~This devotional was written by Jim Burns

Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. —Matthew 6:33-34

We live in a fast-paced society where at times we can become seduced by a culture that takes our mind off the Lord. To keep in touch with Jesus we must slow down our fierce pace and give Jesus our time and attention. This prayer has helped me for years with my tendency to over commit my life to unimportant things and leave God on the sideline.

Slow me down, Lord. Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time. Give me, amid the confusion of the day, the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory. Teach me the art of taking minute vacations - of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to smile at a child, to read a few lines from a good book. Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life's enduring values, that I may grow toward my greater destiny. Remind me each day that the race is not always to the swift; that there is more to life than increasing its speed. Let me look upward to the towering oak and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well. —Orin D. Crain

After reading Matthew 6:33-34 what does the Bible suggest be our first priority?
Are your priorities in proper perspective? Take a few minutes to give God your priorities and seek His kingdom first.
FURTHER READING: Psalm 37:4; Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Who has time for all this...

Insert from our newsletter today...

"AES PTO is going Facebook! As a huge fan of Facebook, I am very excited about this. All you Facebook parents please be on the lookout for an AES PTO Facebook page coming soon."

Wow! I may have to get a page just to catch the news but I don't want to get into into it... If that makes sense...


Remember this post about the owl vomit?
Well yesterday was the day!
She said that it was thankful after lunch!
And that Sara Beth's mom works at a Dr. Office and Sara Beth brought in a mask to wear.
Emily almost got sick and Mom it did not smell very good at all!
And they said to wash our hands to our elbows and I washed all the way up!
And I found a skull in mine, I think it was from a rat...

Uh GROSS is all Mom has to say!
I remember dissecting a pig in High school. And she is doing this in 3rd grade!
Can't wait to see what's next!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I make the cut!

Okay here is a rambling post that I feel convicted to post..
As most of you remember Kacey tried out for Basketball for her school and made the team but that week leading up to finding out if she was on the team or not was pretty stressful for her and for her parents too, just because we want to keep them from disappointment.
We were reminded again last week and this week as Kacey decided to try out for Tennis.
I had a text from Kacey that read " I made the list, I get to go back. Doesn't mean I'll make the team but I'm going to work hard".

I just had to stop and say Thank you Lord that I made the cut... For your team. And I don't have to worry about working hard to keep my spot. You love me just as I am... And that's enough. Nobody can cut me from your team and nobody can pluck me from your hand... all I have to do is trust you and love you and believe that you died and rose again.
Thank You Lord.
I pray you can claim these truths today.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. John 10:28-29

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend!

The Narrell's have had a long weekend of playing ~ resting and being sick... yep
Friday started with a noise in my car wheel.. GREAT!
Home, Greg wasn't feeling to well but went on his Daddy/Daughter date night with BC and his girls! They took their girls to Arby's and to the football game and I loved every second of being lazy alone!
Saturday Kacey and I played Tennis and Greg was down for the count!
Grace has managed to make a spa out of the fountain on our screened in porch for Polly and her pals... ahh the simple things..
We so enjoyed our lazy day at home....

Kacey spent the evening reading her AR book for school.
And Greg ~ Down but not out ~ at least not to the point that you could keep him from watching the game.
Yesterday was pretty lazy as well, we did manage to have a family game of tennis.
Ate at Mom's and we were in the bed by 7:45 last night..... Life is GREAT!
And as of this morning Greg sounds more like himself and less like a frog!
Happy Tuesday!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor Day at Home!

For the last few years we've spent Labor day weekend in Birmingham. Kacey had been participating in Pre-Teen Alabama. Not the beauty pageant Pre-Teen but the Scholastic Pre-Teen. We would drive and check in the the hotel around lunch on Saturday and check out after lunch on Monday so while we are sad that she decided not to attend this year and decline her invitation, we are so excited about having a weekend at home.
I enclosed some pictures from I think 2 years ago.
They were rated on
last 2 years report cards
community service
hobbies/extracurricular activities
they took a written test and were rated on being a team player
and how they got along with others.
And an interview in front of a panel.
Every year they also had a speech and talent show that was optional. Last year Kacey did the sign art for I believe. It was beautiful if I do say so even if I am her MOM!
They decorated their doors and at all hours of the night you would hear girls in the hall signing your door/leaving a surprise, the door decorations were how they knew they were in preteen and the hotel had 14 floors, as Mom I got to walk around with Kacey and some of her friends to sign doors!

Kacey acting silly after her interview with the judging panel. I think she was relieved what do you think!
Some of her new friends.
Before coming home on Monday. Every year she entered she was in the top 20. She did really well, and enjoyed it very much.
They had rehearsals where the parents couldn't attend and then during the awards section it was where the parents got to see the number they had learned. This year it was a sports theme, last year was the 50's with poodle skirts, I can't remember past that.
Hope you have a nice long relaxing weekend.

Just for Greg.

Greg was nice enough to share a picture of Kacey's straight hair on picture day!
I think he was proud of himself! I know I was! Well except that whole letting Grace wear the same clothes for 48 hours but hey nobodies perfect! ;-)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Picture Day!

Forgive the quality of the photo, it is with my camera phone. We were in a rush to leave.
Today is picture day at the Elementary.
She wanted her hair curly.
I missed Kacey's picture day last Friday. I was at Women Of Faith and with Kacey's broke hand, she and Greg straightened her hair. I would have LOVED to been a fly on the wall for that. But she looked beautiful ~ they sent me a picture by text ~ and I would have shared that on here had I not cleaned out my message box, man! Oh well, you'll just have to take my word for it. They did Great!
Happy Thursday!


My Angel Tumphet's are blooming. I have White and pink ones. The pink ones are blooming and I have a small white one blooming but my larger one hasn't started yet, I can't wait.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Still enjoying the little things.

The little things that still remind me "she is still just a child" even though sometimes they seem grown. I am going to miss Polly Pockets one of these days, but for now, I'm just going to savor the moment!

Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just another day in Paradise!

You never know what the Narrell's topic of conversation will be! But I can promise you it is never dull! * This post comes with a warning for those that are a bit week stomached!

In the car on the way home yesterday
Grace ~ Hey Momma is owl Vomit contagious?
I wish you could have seen mine and Kacey's face....
Kacey & Mom - What?
Grace ~ Owl vomit
Us ~ What?
Grace ~ You know owl VOMIT
Us ~ Are you saying vomit
Grace ~ yeah is it contagious.
ME ~ uh no, but when are you around Owl vomit.
Grace - oh we are going to be looking in it at school
Grace ~ we are going to get some Owl vomit in class and we'll have gloves on but we look through it for bones and stuff since Owls don't digest their food completely... It's science.
Again, if you could only see mine and Kacey's face.
Kacey ~ are you sure you are not misunderstanding something
Grace ~ No, I'm not the teacher said Owl puke.... And Momma I could wait forever to do that I just don't think that's going to be fun...

I asked her if this does actually happen to come straight in and take a bath and please don't tell Momma!
Happy Tuesday