Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!
Thank you to all who serve or have served so we can all enjoy freedom.
We had a cookout today at Mom and Dad's!
Kids ~ Kids EVERYWHERE!!!
We love it!
Bucky Rowe was the hit of the pool all the other adults knew to stay out of the pool or you are fair game!
I think Bucky and Shea did this mmmm about a thousand times! Kristi watching the entertainment!

My sweet 9 year old!
More jumping!
Happy Memorial Day everyone! I pray you enjoyed your day!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Today before church...

Sugar wanted in the picture too!
Greg cooked on the smoker for ours and Mom and Dad ate with us...
We had a restful great weekend!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today has been nuts! Work early ~ girls first full day off from school!
Let the fun begin!
Mom and Dad knew Grace had pictures but didn't realize she had a game so if they had they probably would not have let her swim for 3 hours!!!
We flew to the city park for pictures in all my snotty glory! I am hanging on to the "crude"
Greg was our pitcher tonight!
He did GREAT I might add, everyone got hits the whole night except for one little girl and I am praying for her and her confidence! She is so close!
The girls love Mr. Greg or Grace's daddy as he is often called!
Greg pitching to Grace, she got some great hits you can tell she is used to batting with her Daddy pitching.
I have two sweet pitchers!
This one looks pretty in pink!
And since Greg was pitching, I got to play bat girl!
And this was my view of the night.
See those little pink rosy cheeks!
She hit this pop fly over the 3rd baseman's head!
Good Game Coach and girls!
We won!
Good game girls!
Happy Thursday all!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Grace's Award's Day!

Today was Grace's Academic Awards day!
Isn't she beautiful?

Ready for 4th Grade!

Grace's class walking in!
Grace received an award for all A's!

She received an award for highest AR points in her class!
She had 252 AR points they were required to have 40!
Way to go Grace!
She was in the top 25 readers in the school. She was in the top 5 actually!
My girl loves to read!
Dad and Kacey!
Grace's complete 3rd grade class!
Grace and Mrs. Hill!
We are so proud of you Grace!
We love you!
Happy Wednesday!
4th grade and 8th grade! HERE WE COME!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


What is going on with the Narrell's this week! Well we are winding down school!
Kacey has semester test this week, today was the Science test, since she has all A's this semester she gets to exempt 2!
Yesterday was Grace's field day! She had a blast!
Today Grace got a special Popsicle treat - since she is student council she got to be tour guide last week when the second graders toured the 3rd grade and it was her thank you prize.
She got to have a Pizza and soda party today for AR points for the year!
She also got to walk in the walk of fame for AR points. Kacey did this when she was at the elem school and I am so sad they don't invite parents anymore but I'm glad she got to experience it. It's like the tiger walk at Auburn. The class line the halls of the elementary and the participants get to walk thru the halls and give high fives!
It's fun and a neat recognition.
I worked a little late so I was almost late for Grace's game tonight and I forgot my camera at home! Are you ready! Grace got all 3 of the first innings outs! Two of which were pop fly's and then she got another later - that is 3 pop fly's. She was thrilled!
They won the game and Mom and Dad came to watch and the Rowe's were in attendance!
She did so well, we are so proud of our girls!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Kacey's 7th Grade Award's Day!

Today was Kacey's Academic Award, 7th grade is almost in the books!

Can you believe it?

Kacey was recognized for A/B Honor Roll (she got her first ever B this year 1 and it was a 89!

Not too bad.....

She was recognized for Beta

She was Honor guard this year for AR points

She was recognized for Presidential Physical fitness.

She also received a certificate for Highest Academic Average in Science!

Before School!

Look how beautiful! She is grown!

Congratulations baby girl we love you!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today Kacey attended HAC and it is unusual for me to get to go watch but today was an exception! She had not touched a racket in almost 2 months so I was shocked she did so well!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Today, Grace had her AR cookout!
She loves to read!
She is required to get 10 AR points each 9 weeks for a grade!
She got 101 this last 9 weeks!
She is reading right at a 7th grade level!
Kacey got Honor Guard again this year for AR points.
I'm so proud of my girls
Congratulations Babies, we are proud of you!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Tuesday night Grace had a game! That is Grace on the pitcher's mound!
And here is part of her fan club!
It was so windy right on the lake!
The girls loved sitting in their own little chairs.
She got to bat twice and both times got good hits.

They lost in extra innings. But they did great. Yes extra innings in 7 and 8 year old softball CRAZY!
We got home at 8:12 and at 8:14 you could see the shuttle and ISS go over Alabama so we rushed and got the telescope out to see!
The pictures are not great, but I tried. Grace is a space BUFF and loves it all so she was so excited. We've seen the ISS a few times.

Afterwards they set the telescope on the Moon!
My girls love the moon, Grace has a phase moon in her room that she gets online to see what phase the real moon is at so she can set her room moon right before bed every night.

We had a great evening but I'm thinking I'm gonna regret being in the wind.
I came home with a head and ear ache!
Just Another Day in Paradise,
No other place I'd rather be!