Tuesday, March 16, 2010


When I don't expect seeing it!
Among all the

wet bathroom floors after bath time
every uniform washed
Green marker on the walls
tattle tailing
toothpaste smeared in the sinks.
Polly pockets in every room of the house
glitter hair spray and lip stick
whiny voice
mud tracked in the house
stained clothes and missing socks
basketball games
Softball games
Tennis matches
Sidewalk chalk
Grubby fingerprints and smudges
Rainbow chaser/Brown sugar
loud Music
Hannah Montana
Birthday parties
Wii match
Episode of Andy Griffith
Barney and Telatubbies!

I see the Young Ladies they are becoming and I am
nothing less but blown away that I have the honor and privilege
of watching them grow and mature into young ladies.
And simply the opportunity to be their Mom!
Thank you Lord!

1 comment:

  1. and sometimes among the -because I said so, no mam, sti checking, clean up your room, go to your rooms, grounding, peace making, Lori Wick reading- one day they will realize that every decision you made, every fight you broke up, every situation you helped them through was all because of the love you have for them that they would become a beautiful sight in the Lord and they will be honored to have you as their Mother-
    You are in inspiration to me!
    I love you friend!
