Sunday, May 31, 2009


Not the best pictures but they were with my cell phone! We enjoyed Sunday afternoon at the retreat center for our church picnic!

Our girls had a blast fishing and we've been informed that we need to go again soon! Grace and Dad! The weather was warm but beautiful!
I was in the boat with Kacey and Kimber. We had a great afternoon of food, fun and fellowship!
We are blessed with a great church family!
Happy Sunday!

Saturday packed post!

We had a fun packed Saturday. We went to Taylor's last T-Ball game of the year!

Doesn't he look handsome!

1st base!

Then for some slip and slid fun
with the Rowe's!
Lawson took a little while to warm up to the water!

We had a great day and lots of food and fun! Complete with oreo ice cream.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Full Day!

Last day of school! How did that happen.. Our last event at the Primary with Grace... I was sad! We Love Ms. Hunt and will really miss her next year.

The above picture is of Grace receiving a 2nd place award for an Extended project. She received the award and a cash prize!
Physical Fitness Award
Here is where she received her medal for AR points. She got the gold medal and she told that she had 203.4 AR points for the year!
Her memory book, it is precious! It has pictures and her writings since the first day of second grade. Ms. Hunt put in a lot of these and I so appreciate it. It made me sad but I'm so thankful she had such a great year!

Future class of 2019! Can you imagine, I'll be sad then for sure!
Grace and Ms. Hunt!
Grace, Alyssa and Maggie ~ We were so thankful they were in the same class this year.

Grace had a good year and for that we are thankful and we are praying already for the next for Grace and Kacey. We are praying that they'll have the teachers that will encourage and be surrounded by friends that will help them stay on the path God has for them. We are so proud of you Grace! After awards day we took Jerrod for lunch he is going back home tomorrow, then off to the Dr for Kacey to get a shot! She was thrilled but at least it is done! Made a bookstore and Shoe Carnival run! I have a new book I'm excited about reading, but I'll save that for another post! I mowed and it was uneventful! We wrapped up the day with the girls going for a swim! To cold for Mom, I just watched! Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

AR Celebration!

Today was Grace's AR picnic you had to have 75 AR points this year to participate... Grace has over 200! Hope you had a great day and lots of fun! We are so proud of you ~ you worked hard!

Weekend in Review!

Can you believe Jerrod is old enough to Graduate?? The time goes by so fast.
Jerrod graduated from Armurchee High School on Saturday morning.

I know it's blurry but he was walking at 90 mph!

Congratulations Jerrod we are proud of you!
After the graduation we had a much needed lazy weekend... We got to spend lots of time together and we really enjoyed sleeping in yesterday, a cookout and homeade ice cream. Then my crazy trio made this!

What is it you ask... hmmm I did to. It is to help Kacey with her footwork. You can tell my husband is a machinist/engineer. Since AAU is over and she will not be running daily he wanted to do something to keep her in shape! So this is one of the things he came up with.
Interesting to say the least... I watched... :-) Although, Kacey and I have been walking/running lately yesterday we made it 3 miles... She ran 1 mile and rode her bike 2... I walked! Hey it's a start!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Award's Day for Kacey!

TGIF! I'm so thankful it is FRIDAY! I hope you have had a good week! The Narrell's have had a good and busy week. This morning was Kacey's awards day program.
She was recognized for 4-H and Beta club and received awards for All A's for the year, Highest academic average in Reading and she received the Presidential physical Fitness award. Also, since she had over 75 AR points each nine weeks she was able to attend a bowling fun day which she is at now! Congratulations, sweetheart we are proud of you!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Things we do for love!

Warning: More rambling and this story is true, nothing has been exagerated and unfortunately totally honest!

The Narrell's time has been a little crazy lately.. but we do see the light at the end of the tunnel! Praise the Lord. We've not been able to mow recently... It's been over 2 weeks and it has rained a lot! I think we could hide a small elephant in our grass anyway you get the picture and since we do have critters from time to time I like it to be mowed so you can see what's out there! Anyway Greg's working crazy hours this week trying to get caught up... ahem I'll stop there that's a rant all on it's on. The girls and I get home at 5:30 yesterday and I thought, I can mow and still get to church at 7. I mow from time to time and Greg doesn't like it I always end up sick with my allergies and asthma so it's not always a good thing. But I wanted to do this so he could enjoy Monday off and by then I'm pretty sure we could have cut hay. So I get the key and make both girls go with me to get the mower out of the barn... Now our barn is scary, it's so cluttered you have to step on and over things, I open the doors look in see what i need and lean in to get it and run out, I don't actually go IN IT... EVER but the mower was under the awning... So with the girls watching Grace pipes up and says what do we do, I said if I get snake bite just dail 911 because I've probally also had a heartattack! She says Got it! Kacey and I look around the mower under the seat in the rafters... I don't want to go in so I jump on the back of the mower and climb on so I don't have to step down. Kacey said she would have loved to have that on video, after I get out of the barn GREAT smooth sailing! I get 1/2 the front done before taking the girls to children's choir no reason I shouldn't be done by 7 for church ~ I'm mowing in my work clothes by the way so i don't have to change for church... I get back from taking the girls I finish the front, head to the back and get stuck on a root I didn't see and it bends the deck... So then when you turn on the mower blades it sounds like a machine gun and very loud.... GREAT! I'm determined so I run in get a hammer and decide I'm going to straighten it myself... I BEAT and bang and the ground is in the way, So now I'm mad... I am going to mow this yard! So I've cranked it and turned the mower on now 10 thousand times to see if the blades are still hitting and they are so I mow anyway... Yes honey if you are reading stop now! So the noise is awful so I get this bright idea I go back to the front yard and try to hang the mower again on the root this time though I think if I can back over it when I go forward it will pull the deck back out... sounded good at the time but I couldn't get it back hung, figures... I spent 20 minutes trying to get hung back up and gave up and started mowing again, but after one round I couldn't stand it and I'm now more than frustrated so the next time around I drive the mower up onto the girls swingset slide to get the deck off the ground... And I beat and I sit on the ground feet against the mower deck with the side of the hammer you take nails out of the wall with trying to pull it out some and and and I accomplished nothing but a broke hammer.... So I start mowing again anyway. And after a sweat bee sting and two laps the blades must have moved the deck out of the way because the horendous noise stopped unless you were on the hill leaning a certain way. I could live with that! I'm almost done and since I had ran over an ant bed, some ants had gotten on the deck and you guessed it I was stung by ants, but still I'M DONE! I run in the house it's 15 after 7. Missed church I wouldn't have if it hadn't of been for that root! I'm sinused up I take medicine go in do a few things go get the girls and Greg gets home around 8:30.... It's dark and he leaves around daylight this morning GUESS WHAT! He didn't notice. Not that he could have it was dark... but still... He didn't notice! but it's one of those things eventually he will right???
Morale of the story, NEVER MOW ON A CHURCH NIGHT! :-)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Concert Choir and Rambling!

Last night was the last Choir concert of the year! It's so hard to believe this year is all but over... I'm in a rambling mood so if you are not in the mood for rambling stop reading now! :-) You have been warned!

They sounded great!

Group shot!

Can you believe how grown she looks!

Anna Catherine sang in the 7th/8th grade choir. I was teasing Greg that my post was going to read AC KC get it AC DC/AC KC okay maybe I'm the only one that finds that the slightest bit funny, I'll blame it on the fact we are all worn out! Tis the season, all this end of the year stuff is draining... And finals are next week so that will be fun I'm sure!

I just want to take a minute to say that God is so Good! I can see him working in my life and in the life's of my children. I often pray ~ God let me see you working, because he always is I just don't always see it. Today I can see it. Thank you Lord, because I know you love them even more than I do!
Happy Wednesday!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Monday again, where did the weekend go!
If you are not familiar with not Me Monday go to and read all about it...
I was NOT thrilled to see the sun shine this morning. It did NOT make my heart happy to just let it soak in! NOPE NOT ME!
My husband and I did NOT stay up way to late one night this week watching a movie he had been waiting for months to come out on DVD. If we did it would have been TAKEN, since he has been really wanting to see it.
We did NOT take our youngest to CiCi's pizza for her birthday. We certainly didn't let her eat to the point she was sick... We would NEVER let our small one eat 4 pizza slices, 2 bowls of pasta, 2 bread sticks and 2 Cinnamon rolls... Not us not EVER!
I did NOT enjoy a 2 hour nap yesterday, It was NOT wonderful ~ NOT ME!
I was NOT sore yesterday from sitting for 2 days on hard benches without moving! NOPE NOT ME! I did NOT get up once thinking my legs were so asleep they might not ever move again.. NOPE NOT ME!
I did NOT recently call a lady by the wrong name for 2 weeks before she spoke up and said that wasn't her name. I did NOT call her the wrong name like 10 times first and with such confidence she probably had to think about it herself. Nope NOT ME! I NEVER do things like that... I never speak first think later... NOPE NEVER!
I have NOT been an emotional basket case for the last few days for some unknown reason. Maybe, because my girls are growing to fast or maybe because they already are so big... I did NOT get weepy at church yesterday when they had the children to stand for another year well done and I did NOT get teary eyed over my nephew singing in the pew next to me word for word the song his Mom was singing as the special at church.. NOT ME I have my emotions in check! ahem...........
I am NOT worn out and I am NOT ready for a vacation and this week is NOT jam packed as well so I'm sure to be rested by the weeks end.... Because we NEVER over commit! I did NOT go to GNC last week and buy some mega vitamins hoping to have more energy... Nope not ME!
Happy Monday! I pray you all have a blessed week!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend in Review!

Guess what we did this weekend??? I know you would never even think about the Narrell's being at a Basketball ball tournament again!! Friday night the girls played and won by 16 points... No pictures because my camera was in the car and I was just to lazy to go back and get it!
Saturday Morning.
Kacey shooting foul shots.

They won by 21 points...

The last game they lost by 9 but stayed within 2 points of them until right at the last... They played hard and were very competitive. Were they sad? NOPE not really because this team that beat them were this years 7th grade team at Rogersville so for these girls to be competitive with them was quite impressive! We are proud of you girls and second place again is not bad!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Random thoughts!

Thank Goodness it's Friday! What a week! This is the last day of Spring Fling for Kacey.
We had an interesting morning... Kacey was getting ready for the skit she was in this morning. She is a MOM in the skit. It was interesting to see her dress and wear the part of a MOM~ interesting to see how she sees me... I guess it made me realize just how much she is watching. I pray what she sees brings honor to God. And Grace is just Grace, she is so laid back and moves at a snails pace, she is in no hurry to do anything... that's just my sweet girl. I had a minor meltdown, Kacey was wearing shorts to short had to change and straightening her naturally curly hair and then Grace after I thought she was ready and eating breakfast was on her bed in her pj's still... ahem... So between the hurrying and the gathering trying to get out the door.. I was a wee bit frazzled.. Our morning routine consist of right when we get in the car we pray together ~ for everything..... and after we pray all the madness of the morning melts and we are "normal" again or at least our version of it... so after we pray Kacey was talking about the skit at a pace of 90 miles an hour she was excited... She is only 12 that's what it should be. I love it when she is so open and talks to me about everything... It makes my heart happy! Then from the backseat Grace says
Grace ~"Hey Mom, Do you know how a Cat gets a hairball!"
Kacey ~ Where did that come from
Grace ~ I don't know just thought you might want to know
Me ~ Nope, I'm not sure do you want to tell me?
Grace ~ Well when a cat licks it's fur it has these things on it's tongue that brush the hair and when the cat doesn't get rid of the hair and swallows it sometimes it gets so much it gets sick and that's a hair ball.... giggle... are you glad you know that now...
Me~ Yes, very much so
Grace ~ Why!
Me ~ because you make me laugh and made my day!
Grace ~ I love you Momma!

Where do they get this stuff! Just another day in paradise!
Happy Friday ~ hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I still like being in the country!

Do you remember my post? well I still love the country and that hasn't changed but sometimes we are overrun with critters and that I CAN DO WITHOUT! A couple of weeks ago we had a coyote that was getting a little to familiar with our house. We saw him a couple of times, both times he was really close to the house... Not comforting..
Then there are times when we are awakened by the smell of yes ~ Skunks... We've had opossums and raccoons. The raccoon stayed hid out for months and the garbage everyday was scattered across the back yard. I'm sure people wondered because we had post around our garbage cans with ropes tied on and around trying to keep whatever it was out, see for months we didn't know.. then I was carrying the garbage out one night and saw stuff flying out of the garbage and it was in there so Greg finally had closure. I'm pretty sure that had him on the verge of a meltdown trying to figure out what it was! We have squirrels and rabbits that we enjoy watching. We have lots of bird feeders that we enjoy. We've even seen deer at our creek in the front! Now as my weekend post showed we have snakes from time to time and those are not good but they usually are not often. Thank you Lord! Our latest saga started on Monday when our neighbor paid a visit to let Greg know that there has been a fox around their house and it was getting way to close to them on the patio, driveway and when they were outside it didn't run.. hmmm not sure but Greg and I decided that was not a good thing wild things are supposed to be afraid and run... well after deciding we better watch for a few days since the girls will befriend anything with hair. Last night he made his appearance at the Narrell's at the back patio. Greg went outside, he didn't run... looked at him and kind of just kept walking around in circles. Of course I think rabies! HELLO! So after Greg comes in and goes back out he is not going anywhere so the fox had a sad ending but at least no humans were harmed...
Just another day in paradise!
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Wednesday!

After way to much Pizza at Cici's!
Daddy and the birthday Girl!

Note: this present was a curtain, the ones that you hang on the door with beads. Not a good idea, after around 2 hours there all still not hung up because they are one tangled Mess!
Mom and Grace
Kacey and Mom!
I pray you all have a good Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Grace!

Today is My sweet girl's 8th birthday! Where did the time go! I could be sad but I'll try not to....
This is also Spring Fling week for Kacey today was 60's day.

Happy Birthday Baby!

Seems like yesterday! :-(

Preschool Graduation!
Happy Birthday we hope you have a good birthday and many more!
Love you!
Happy Tuesday everyone!