Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Greg!

Happy Birthday to the best Daddy on earth!
The most wonderful husband and
my best friend. You are the love of my life!
We love you hope you have a GREAT day!

Monday, December 28, 2009


Sunday/Monday we spent the day with Greg at the Cabin. He loves it when we go up and we like it in small doses! It is so beautiful and the weather was great. Truth is I love the first day but after one night I am really ready to return to 2009! But he is worth it!
One thing I like about it is it is so remote. No cell phone service and no Internet!
Back to the basics.
Some of us tried and tried to get service but had no luck! ;-)

Makes for some good family nights with board games and movies.
I love the smiles!
Did I mention I love the hills and the countryside. And the deer in the yard at night the girls watch.
Kacey walking the hill!
Grace looking for deer tracks.
Climbing trees. They always find something to keep them busy.
The guys loading some equipment. Roger Lynn hunted in the pm and went home and Jerrod went up with Greg then went back with Papaw and Mamaw.
Some of the old buildings within walking distance.

It's on Paint Rock River.

Kacey trying to talk me into letting her look inside. uh NO!
This old home place is in the woods next to the cabin. It was a grand house in its time but it's time has passed. The girls think it looks scary.
Do you see what I see?
Two of my sweet dears trying to see some deer!

We had fun but there is no place like home! We left my Hunter today so Kacey could start back to ball practice. He will be home tomorrow because someone must be home for his birthday!
Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day Night!

My favorite part of Christmas. Christmas Day night is always just the four of us and we love the down time. On Christmas Eve I laid down with Grace and Kacey at bedtime for awhile and I had the most precious opportunity to let my kids tell me the Christmas story. Not read but just tell me from what they remember, it was among the most precious memories I have and will ever have with my babies, one of those times that you just wish you could always remember. The real reason we have Christmas. After a great night of gazing at the stars we heard Greg read the Christmas story!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Christmas Day!

We spent the day at Mamaw B's. After a wonderful lunch ~ we found Kacey with her new favorite toy IPOD touch!Grace with her new DS game!
Family picture time!
All the Batemon/Narrell family!
except Amanda, she is a cardic nurse and had to work. I pray she had extra special patients that brightened her day because I know she brightened theirs.

The Narrell/Jones families
My sweet family!
Merry Christmas!

Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning is always so much fun. I love seeing these smiling faces.

Rock Band!

The most wonderful time of the year!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve!

We celebrate Christmas Eve with Dad and Mom.
Kacey and her Daddy!
Kids kids everywhere!
Andrea had a 3 day pass to come home. Once she is back she leaves the states...
Self portrait ~ Greg still talking!
Mom and Dad Earlier in the day we opened our gifts to each other.
Grace and Kacey both love clothes now...
Greg's favorite gift was a hunting game camera!
looks like I forgot the red eye button!

Merry Christmas from the Narrell's~!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wed Dec 23!

We had Christmas with the Narrell's! Grace in her pj's because she had a GA party and they all wear there jammies.

The Jones's
Ruby Grace!

The babies, look how big! Time goes too fast.
And earlier in the day, I had a Mommy moment. The night before when we spent 45 minutes in the Santa line and was not even close and the village was closing... we decided to get out of line and head for home. And as we got closer to home, Grace got more sad. She had not seen Santa this year or had her yearly picture so she come home and wrote Santa a letter and asked that if she left a picture could he use his magic and put them together in a photo of the two of them, so I still had a little shopping anyway so Greg went to work and my Dad, Kacey, Grace and I went and found Santa... I know I'm a sap but they are only little once and besides, Santa is busy this time of year and I really hated for him to have to work on that picture with all the stuff he had on his list!
Merry Christmas!

Dec 22!

Last night we went to Santa's village with the Maze's. We go every year but this year we ended up going the week of Christmas and we decided it might be our last year to go that late.. It was crazy crowded.

Grace and the Gingerbread man, and this little guy enjoying whatever he is eating!

We've never been when there was a line for anything but Santa but that night there was a line for EVERYTHING!
The Maze family!
The Narrell family!
Baylee and Grace making a craft.
Me and my honey!
Grace and Frosty
I think we had a little to much sugar, this is our duck at Big Spring park!
Merry Christmas!