Sunday, April 26, 2015

State Tournament

Our sweet girls fought hard won first round and lost to Briarwood.  We had tons of fun and I was determined no matter what happened to enjoy this journey.  We've enjoyed our high school tennis journey and seeing these two on the court together for the last time was such an honor and I can't wait for the next chapter.   God is good!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

State Tennis Tournament

 We knew going into tournament no matter what happened this would be her last High school event with tennis and I wanted it to be good..  and it was!  :)  God is so good and has answered so many prayers.  He is faithful.  There is so much pressure on these kids and I wanted to be the positive voice.  I want her to remember me as an encourager.
The won their first match and I took tons of pictures because I wanted to remember the emotion of the moment.  The last time she would play with Alexis.  
Proud proud Mom, she has worked incredibly hard and it showed.  
She is precious, she has a determination that amazes this Mom!
She has the ability to do anything she sets her mind to! 

 God has blessed her abundantly. 

I am so blessed to be her Mom!  I'm excited to see what God has for her next!
I know it is going to be so good!  Very good!