Tuesday, March 31, 2009

AWANA's Wacky Night

AWANA stands for Aproved Workman are Not ashamed!
Greg setting up the projector!
Our WACKY family!

Our AWANA kids!
And Poor Confused Paul!
My only regret is that I missed Tammy! I'm sure she is giving a sigh of relief!
We have a blast in AWANA's and you never know what will take
place! This week one of our clubber's lost a tooth! The kids love recreation time, we always try to have fun while we learn about Jesus!
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Good morning, time again for Not Me Monday~! Most of you know that I got the idea for Not me Monday from http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ please continue to pray for this sweet little boy Stellan and his family they are having a really hard time right now and things are not good, but we know GOD is in control.

I am NOT now obsessed with Blogging and I DON'T check for updates ~ especially on Stellan before I go to bed and when I get up! Not me!

I did NOT take 2 and a half hours of leave last Thursday to get my teeth cleaned only to leave after and hour and a half without getting my teeth cleaned. They did NOT have a scheduling conflict and just a really hectic day. That luck would never happen to me.

I also did NOT get a nice note on Saturday with $40 worth of gift certificates from said dentist apologizing for my inconvenience. This did NOT make me feel bad since I had NOT been complaining for 2 days about having to wait. AND LEAVE WITHOUT GETTING MY TEETH CLEANED!

Kacey is NOT playing AAU basketball again this year. She is NOT having 2 hour practices and I DO need my head checked for NOT letting her talk us into this again! Yes, we are much smarter that that.

I did NOT let my children and their guest play in the creek Saturday to the point they all had to come in and get showers. I did NOT have my youngest come around the corner of the house crying because she had actually fell into the creek.

I did NOT cook chicken rotel last Monday night late so we would have supper done when when we got home Tuesday ~ Only to have Dad call and ask to pick up the girls from extended day and he feed them Jack's. Then Greg had to work late so he ate BK and went back to work. He did not get home til 8:15 and I did NOT eat chicken rotel alone. Nope, not me, my plans always work out perfectly!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Simple things!

I take so much for granted... When we were at the aquarium last week, I overheard ~ NO I was not ease dropping they were in front of me~ this mom and I assume it was her son, we were in the River basin level and she was telling him to listen.... You could hear the crickets and the frogs. They were playing their song! The sad thing is that before this Mom mentioned their music ~ I didn't notice! Mostly because I hear it every night... I'm not on a river basin no, but with the creek and just country fresh air. I take it for granted sometimes, I love where we live and being out at least a little to ourselves. I love the creeks and open fields! I love the girls have lots of open grass to ride bikes and play. I love that in the summer they can catch crawl dads and play in the creek. I love how after a nice rain they put messages on a boat or in a bottle and let it float down the creek through the culvert under our driveway to the other side. I love the flowers and trees. I love how we can play outside, yell and laugh (the best music on earth) as loud as we want and nobody notices. Except for maybe Miss Mary when we shoot fireworks off on the 4th of July! I love our bird feeders and yes ~ even our squirrel feeders, we love watching the squirrels and ground squirrels. Now the occasional snake we see I can live without but for the most part I wouldn't change a thing. Anyway after getting sidetracked. Here are some pictures just for you Allison! Something else I take for granted being a country girl... Squirrel's nest! Allison has never seen one and when we go to lunch sometimes, off of Martin Road with all those trees, I search to show her one. So even though it isn't in person ~ here is a squirrel's nest! I love living in the country!

These were taken behind the school. The girls were riding bikes and I was trying to get a picture I think Judy thought I was crazy, you want a picture of what?
Happy Thursday!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break!

We had a great Spring Break and the weather was nice!
Friday the girls and I went the Aquarium.

The bridge outside of the aquarium.

We stayed at the sting ray bay for I don't know about an hour. Grace was scared to touch one but wanted to so bad. She kept reaching down then at the last minuted would decide not to! She finally did "pet" one and she was all smiles and so proud of herself!

Kacey watching the penguins!

Grace sporting a new shirt after the sleeve of her other one was wet from none other than the sting ray bay! It was pretty cool, it was all white and in the sunlight the butterfly changes colors.

Kacey waiting patiently on Grace to get just the right picture. Grace is somewhat of a perfectionist and loves to take pictures. She takes pictures everywhere we go (wonder where she gets that from) and they have to be just so.. Kacey and I found ourselves selfishly praying for a full memory card or dead battery! I remember when we went to Disney she had a meltdown at dark because the castle was changing colors and she wanted a picture in every color. We stood for some time! And this time her "meltdown" was trying to get a picture of the otters! They just wouldn't be still and pose!
We wrapped up the day at Ben and Jerry's!
Hope you enjoyed your weekend. It was perfect weather!
Judy and I went walking yesterday and enjoyed some sunshine. Kacey and Grace enjoyed
riding their bikes. I think we are officially a training wheel free zone!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What I already knew!

One of the things I love about having two girls. Dresses ~ and making them dress alike or color coordinate whenever possible! ESPECIALLY at Easter.
It was fun while it lasted!

I have more and I'll scan when my computer isn't giving me fits! But the last couple of years my oldest and has somewhat balked at dressing alike with Sister! hmmmm oh well all good things come to an end. Maybe I can still get away with some color coordinating. MAYBE! The staycation continues, yesterday Grace worked at riding her bike without training wheels until she is pretty good at it! Today after Kacey's physical at the Dr. we shopped, and shopped and shopped. I might add that I HATE to shop and Kacey loves it but she is also my indecisive child so it makes for a long day! Grace found her Easter Dress ~ love at first sight! Kacey ~ well we are still looking. We had fun and maybe made some memories. Well enough for now between the shopping, sinus headache and sleeping in the camper with the dog barking all night I'm ready to go to sleep in my own bed! Happy Thursday! And tomorrow is the first day of spring, I hope Mother nature knows Winter has come to an end!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday Staycation ~ A Stay at home Vacation!

Since it rained last weekend we didn't get to go camping... or rather we decided not to go in the rain and cool weather especially since Grace is still getting over her sinus infection, and Greg is working most of this week but ~ if you can't go camping why not bring the camping to you! The last few days have been beautiful I hope you have had the opportunity to enjoy some sunshine!
We rode bikes ~ note the training wheels!

Sat by the campfire!
Ate Hot dogs and marshmallows!
Who says you have to go somewhere to have fun!
Kacey on her scooter.
Greg removing the training wheels!
Until very late tonight Grace practiced riding without the training wheels. Doing very well I might add!
And Greg sure did get his exercise. Camping at home isn't half bad, you get to have all the fun with the comforts of home all in one!

Monday, March 16, 2009

It's time to 'fess up! Not Me! Monday is here. I decided to play at least for today...
I did NOT wait till we were more less out of checks to order more. I did NOT wait three weeks and I didn't have to go to the bank for temporary checks last Monday only to get home and find that the checks I had ordered were NOT in the mailbox. Nope Not me ~ that would never happen to someone that always plans ahead.
I did NOT let my kids stay up to late to watch a movie and then have to force them out of bed. Nope Not me!
I did NOT bribe my youngest into going to the grocery store with me so I wouldn't have to go alone by telling her she could wear her Heely's if she went. Nope not me! I would never bribe a child. That's just wrong.
I would NEVER let my kids go out without brushing hair/teeth and make sure they are looking their best. I sure did NOT let my children go to grandma's this first spring break morning in their PJ's with bedheads so they could crawl back into bed.. NOPE NOT ME!
I did do all my laundry this weekend and my hamper is empty.... I would NEVER let it pile so high that the lid doesn't close. Nope not me!
I did NOT cook dinner this past week and then let my picky child eat cocoa puffs cereal because she didn't like what I fixed. No, that would never happen in my home...
Okay. I did it. Can you stand to be brutally honest? I promise you'll live to tell about it.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Grace's art project was one of 15 selected to be sent to MMCN to be nominated to be displayed at the hospital for a year. She was sooo excited.
Congratulations Ruby Grace!

This was back in the fall but I wasn't blogging at the time so I decided to post it today along with Grace's. Kacey was selected to have her art displayed on the front of the OTELCO phone book. She also received a $50 savings bond.
Congratulations Kacey!

The girls did these pictures during GA's Wednesday night. They each had to write down their family members and tell a trait they loved about them.
They were very sweet and special. The girls now have a saying when they see me with the camera.. They'll ask ~ Blog worthy.... Kacey was saying Wednesday night, Your going to blog that?? They don't get that I think everything they do is blog worthy! You might get tired of reading it some days but I never get tired of living it!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

At least it is not the flu!

Yes, we spoke to soon.... Grace woke up this morning with fever, sore throat and headache.
so a Dr's appointment ~ Strep Test ~ Flu Test ~ blood test later.... Sinus/respiratory infection. Back on antibiotics twice a day for 10 more days and we go back next week for a blood recheck to make sure her white count is going down. Fever has been down all day though so maybe we caught it early. She has been back on her nebulizer for her asthma since last week so that maybe kept it at bay as well. But we are thankful that it is treatable, it's a good day when you leave the doctor's office and he says you are the wellest sick kid we've seen all morning ~ but it was only 9 am! And we left without touching a thing since we heard the rooms on either side of us were ordered the flu test as well. Just another day in paradise!

Even our bad days are not that bad! Thank you Lord!

Kacey came home today with a bracelet the school is promoting for Relay for life!

Live Honestly
"Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling. truth speaking, truth living and truth loving~ James E. Foust

If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything~ Mark Twain

Pretty cool! Have a good Thursday!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Ms. Betty!

Forgot my camera again so the cell phone pic is not the best but you get the picture....
We had 20 children and 4 adults in Children's Choir ~ Praise the Lord!
We birthdayed Ms. Betty. Thank you for all you do for our kids Ms. Betty.

Wednesday's Words!

Good Morning, we enjoyed our last day of nice weather before the cool comes back. We sure have Spring Fever at the Narrell's. Bring on the Spring! I can always tell when it will be turning cooler again by looking at my tulip tree, just about every year when it starts to really bloom and get pretty it gets cold enough to kill the blooms. :-( I think I've only seen it in full bloom one time. My Grandparents used to have a large tulip tree in their front yard. Just right for climbing and I always remember seeing it bloom in the Spring so for me the tulip tree isn't just beautiful it's about memories.

The girls enjoyed a nice afternoon out. Although I think they have radar for when I'm not feeling my best because that is when they are most talkative and decide to pick on one another. Kacey shooting and Grace taunting.... hmmm we are working on that.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Gymnastics/Science and Social Studies!

Nothing but the usual going on at the Narrell's and for that I'm thankful. So many are dealing with sickness. We've been truly blessed to have missed so much of the crude that seems to be making the rounds. I pray that is a trend that continues. Grace had gymnastics and she is a young lady on a mission to get that back handspring down. Kacey had a Science test yesterday and a Social Studies test today so that is how she spent her night with the exception of her, Daddy and Papaw went to the gym for about an hour of shooting... I'm truly blessed to have 2 wonderful kids. Lots of test this week trying to wrap things up before they go on Spring Break so no time for boredom this week! We were trying to plan a camping trip during spring break but the weather doesn't seem to be cooperating. But if not I'm sure we can find something else to do. (Sorry Honey!)
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayer Request!

Meet Kalynn
And Shea! My Great Nieces.
I would like for you to remember them and their parents Clay and Andrea.
Andrea had guard Duty this weekend and unless God intervenes she will be deployed to active duty in Nov. I'm sure they are going to need lots of prayers.

Matthew 6:33

What a difference a week makes!

Awana Awards! Kacey has her 4 level sticker as well. But at that age, it's not cool for Mom to take pictures... I'll have to take one at home!
Last Sunday Snow! This Sunday ~ Sun and short sleeves!
Grace was so upset last week when due to the weather church was cancelled and then to find out AWANA's was cancelled she was very sad. But I'm thrilled they love it so much.
Friday night we went to CiCi's pizza to celebrate report card day.
Kacey had a friend spend the night. Saturday we worked in the yard! Spring fever! I'm sure this nice weather will not last long though.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Red Carpet Day!

If you were in my house this morning you would see lots of these ~
and it would lead you too.......
This young lady sporting her new Boa!
Today Red Ribbon week comes to a close with Red Carpet Day!
This day makes Mom's life interesting for the morning rush. But sure did make this sweet girl's morning. She was all excited and ready to go!

So with Backpack, bag with extra clothes and Boa in hand car line was interesting. Seeing all those little ones getting out. I think we even saw an Elvis.
Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Birthday KRowe!

You take pictures at every Birthday party without having to be asked!
You cut cake ~ deliver it and help me clean up after it!
You know all about Mildew!
You literally pick me up when I fall!
You call just when I need to vent and always make me feel better!
You encourage me to do better and try harder even when I don't want too!
You've delivered pot pies, cakes, banana nut bread and many other things when we had loved ones pass, births of new babies, sinus surgery, tonsils, tubes and when I was so sick with morning sickness I truly thought I would die!
You are my email connection and my rainy day friend!
Thank you for all you do!
I'm so glad I "fell" into your life!
Happy Birthday!

(Sorry the picture is so outdated ~ still having computer problems and I've lost a whole file
off my computer that of course had all my archived pictures!)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wacky Wednesday!

This week the Primary is celebrating Dr. Seuss's Birthday!
Monday was Pajama day, Yesterday was picture day and today is Wacky Wednesday!
The Wacky Wednesday participant and her hair dresser!

Last night at Open house, the kids sang Green Eggs and Ham, Grace is on the back with the Seuss hat, second to the end. Not a good picture, I know but my cellphone does not zoom enough! Grace by the AR board, 121.7 AR points and counting.
She loves to read, and for that I'm thankful, but after a visit to the book fair, we came home and looked up the books she had bought ~ only 1 out of the 4 happened to be an AR book. At a school book fair? What's up with that? And the one she is reading is titled "How to steal a dog"? hmmm......