Thursday, July 28, 2011

Celebrating Dad!

Happy Birthday Dad!

68 and we wish you many many more!

My girls trying to teach Shea to dive.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We love you!

Monday, July 25, 2011


We spent Friday night at Hampton Cove for Kacey's tennis tournament.

Saturday night we had the Narrell get together at Dewayne and Becky's.

The kids played outside...

Even the big kids! ;-)

and Narrell's can't get together without cards.

Sunday after church we went back to Hampton Cove.

and it made for tired Narrell's this is my bed this morning... :-)

Happy Monday, like it or not it's here!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just Another Day in Paradise!

Tuesday I ended up going to the Dr. I had been fighting asthma and chest junk for a week.

I went to my asthma specialist and he put me back on steroids (which I hate they make me grouchy and eat) and an antibiotic. He said your allergic to penicillin have you ever taken Avelox. I had so that's what he prescribed.

I took the 5 yes 5 steroid pills at lunch and since the antibiotic was only once a day I decided to wait until I got home to take it... That was a God thing!

After dinner Kacey and I went for a walk!

Saw an albino snake... I didn't know there was a such thing around here.
Looked at my flowers

And just a side not after seeing a white snake your eyes may start to play tricks on you. Especially when your dog has pulled on a cord and made it look all curly.

And you might just catch a glimpse out of the corner of your eye and it may just scare you...

just sayin....

I came in took the antibiotic and took a bath.

Greg and I are listening to a series of sermons at night so we started that and I started to itch.

At first it was in my ears. Like bad... then I noticed knots on the inside of my mouth and on the roof of my mouth. I jumped out of bed and ran and took two benadryl. Unfortunately I knew then what was coming. My tongue was tingling, my lips were tight, I looked in the mirror my face was red, swollen with the bumps raised all over.

Grace was asleep Kacey was still up so we told her to watch Grace and off we went. I think the walking made the reaction take hold faster and by the time I walked in the ER, Greg said you are Much worse. head to toe rash, light headed and nauseated. I had my epi pen in case I had to use it but was praying it wouldn't be necessary.

They took me back quickly ahead of many which made me feel guilty for about a half second.

within 10 minutes they had given me a shot and within 15 the itching was calming and I didn't feel like I was going to die any longer!

They kept me for about 2 1/2 hours just to make sure all was well and by the time we walked out of the er... the rash was gone. Thank you Modern medicine.

I did not take a face picture.

this is when it was starting to go away...

Just Another day in Paradise!

Thankful for medicine and for a fast driving husband! At least just this once!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Weekend in review!

Friday night VBS

Saturday - clean and worked it flower beds!

Sunday was our VBS Family night and our first Sunday with our new Pastor..

I am so thankful for the exciting fun week of VBS.

I'm thankful for good attitudes and I'm praying for our church family.

My girl!

What a wonderful way to wrap up a great week!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our weekend/week

Friday night we had a nice movie/quite night!

Saturday was Busy.. we had a AAU end of the year party.

in Vinemont

Then off to sweat at our VBS carnival.. It was good and the kids had a blast but it was hot...

after sweating at the pool party then at church, that was the best bath ever!

Loving VBS this week and the atmosphere!

Love having 110+

All week I've been planning to take a group picture of the Narrell's and it just hasn't worked out yet... so last night I was going to try again...

So we come in and I direct them all into the Living Room, note they don't know how to do anything quietly.

My 3 like to aggravate from time to time.

Notice the straight stance and silly smiles... I was about to give up...

oh well, our best attempt.

Then I decided

why fight it.....

If you can't beat them join them!

Happy Thursday all!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Not so good...

I love Vacations and I love my family... Most of the time on the blog you see the good and I keep the hmmm not so good to myself.... But we are human and normal and have some not so good. So just too keep it real.

Like the night before we left my TMJ flared up and I prayed for it not to ruin our trip and it didn't but this week I've been miserable.

Like the first day and we get there and we're unloading everything and notice Grace's IPOD touch screen had been shattered then she cried, and cried, and cried. She had used her own birthday and report card money to buy it so it hurt her in more ways than one. She cried off and on about it for days. She is currently taking odd jobs around the house to earn enough to buy a new one or in the event that she doesn't raise enough she said it was at the top of her Christmas list.

Like when we got home from vacation and Greg said where's your house key, and I didn't have it. He didn't have his. So we loaded back into the car and went to Mom and Dad's for the extra set. So yes we locked ourselves out of the house coming home from vacation. We had a key to the side door but the screen door was locked and we weren't about to bust the screen for it.

Like I was pouting over a closed restaurant I really wanted to try... we ate somewhere else and loved it... yes I pout on occasion not proud about it just honest.

Like on Saturday when we cooked out I had fixed lots of shrimp, when I finished I put it in the oven to keep it warm... I remembered it Sunday morning at 6 am.... spoiled... great!

Like both girls getting jelly fish stings but then again isn't that a kids right of passage, a milestone for growing up. Kind of like a bee sting was for us growing up but my kids have never been stung weird huh?

Like sand cracks from dry skin from walking in the sand.

Like Tuesday on my first day back to work, I didn't need to be gone long so I ran "quickly" at lunch to get my allergy shots. I got my shots and sat in the chair (I have to wait 20 minutes afterwards to make sure there will not be a reaction) and I looked down and my badge holder was empty. I had left it in my computer when I logged on... so I call a co-worker bribe her with lunch and she brings it to the gate to meet me and I was harassed about it all day.. I will not be living it down anytime soon. Let's just say I provided the office with some entertainment...

Like sister tiffs in the backseat and everybody wanted to do or eat something different... but in the big scheme of things that's not so bad! I wouldn't trade it for the world! Well maybe the badge thing... just sayin

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

I need to do better taking pictures. I don't have one of my sweet Momma and Daddy from Saturday or today...

We enjoyed a morning of swimming at Mom and Dads

Hot dogs/Homeade ice cream/Blueberry Crunch...

My favorites.

Then home, a small nap! then back for a late swim and fireworks with Mamaw, Papaw and the Kelley's.

sunset after the rain.

This girl used to call Sparklers sprinklers. :-)

Happy 4th!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Headed to church!

Don't you just love the deer head!


Happy 4th of July Weekend!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pre 4th of July Celebration!

Pre 4th of July Celebration!

After coming home we enjoyed a lazy Saturday then Saturday afternoon we had some food, fun, friend and family fellowship (We had a full table) :-)

This is the first pile we cleaned up not even half of it ;-)

Here's is another pile.. these two are partner's in crime...

Just some facts...

They popped 50 boxes of 25 snap n pops....yes thats 1250 snap and pops...

Here are their accomplices..
I love these 4 together when they play, they have so much fun even with the age and gender differences you'd never know it. And it works out just Great when Lawson gets a dirl toy from McDonald's he can pass it on because he don't want a Dirl Toy!

Kacey was the smoke bomb bandit...terrorizing everyone...

That is until Lawson handed her a green one that ended up being a crackling ball.

Let's just say we saw that she has some moves!

don't you love Grace's face helping get a smile out of the Rowe boys for their Momma!

yep, days like this I wish the sun would set a little slower!

Time would last a little longer.

The firecracker King!

The cooking King.

The ring of fire!

the Ring of Death? I think it would better be called the ring of Family/friends...

Now your in the middle Dance! :-)

Happy Saturday!