Wednesday, December 27, 2017


 Kacey has been sick so much, her tonsils came out today!
Praying this helps her feel better!
Greg and Grace left for Winter Extreme this morning.  
Prayers for a great time for my people!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve

 Not typical for the Gibson clan.  The first year that we've not all gathered and celebrated together but praise God we are all still here for Christmas.  With Mom's infections and weak immune system we didn't want to risk her catching anything else so this year was different.  She is still so weak she still has to have assistance going to restroom and moving around. I feel so bad for my precious Christmas loving Daddy but he isn't complaining. 
Part of our gift was an electric football game, like he had when he was a kid.  :)

So we celebrate just different.
We keep loving and laughing and remembering to just be thankful!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Rock City

 Reminding myself it's ok to still find joy and to enjoy the moments.
We took tonight and visited Rock City.
Felt guilty, only because Mom and Dad normally go with us.
and Daddy is why I love Christmas.   He has always been Christmas for us.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Candy

 Terri is with Mom tonight so we took the night to dress alike and make candy!  :)
Christmas Traditions complete with It's a wonderful Life!

Monday, December 18, 2017

On Dec 11th we took Mom for a PET scan and MRI, she came out so sick.  Disoriented, and couldn't even hold her head up.  Not sure if she was dehydrated and the dye from scans threw her off or what but it was not good, 
Her blood pressure was low and we went to CCI for 3 straight days for fluids and rechecks and she wasn't getting better they admitted her and she had begun to hallucinate.   After a week in the hospital and lots of follow up appointments, she had infection in her throat and stomach from the auto immune drugs for the cancer. 
She went home finally but was so very weak.
 One of the medicines she is taking has to be taken every 6 hours so we are setting clocks for even in the night.  Terri stayed a few nights and I've stayed some.  I've been sleeping in the floor in the middle bedroom so I can hear her and so Daddy can sleep.  I worry about him spreading himself so thin.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Christmas Tree

 Greg, Grace and Dad found a tree out in our woods.  
Perfect for his little back porch!
Enjoy the sunshine and the joys!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Paint Party

 What a fun night to just enjoy.
It was so much fun and easier than we expected!
Thankful for sweet friends.

Monday, December 4, 2017

WMU Christmas Party

 Sweet friends, food and fellowship!

Saturday, December 2, 2017