Friday, November 30, 2012


Tonight we played at Brewer.  It was a tough game and we lost but Kacey played well and had 14 points.  Go Kacey!! :-)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Our little #33

Tonight was Grace's first game.  She has become a little more aggressive this year!

Her sweet Wednesday night teacher at Mtn. View came to watch her!  Ms. Cindy.

They won!  Way to go Ruby do!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Sometimes Life can be pretty overwhelming.
Tuesday Kacey was supposed to play with JV and their game was cancelled and that left her home when we weren't expecting it.  Grace had practice.  They both had a ton of homework and let's face it the week after being out for a holiday is hard!  Kacey left school a little early Monday with a headache/stomach.  I think a big part is stress causing her acid reflux to rear it's ugly head.  So when on my way home I got a text from Kacey that said do you want to go on a date with me I took her up on some one on one time.  We went to Mt. Fugi, not my first choice but we enjoyed our time together.  Laughed and cried a little and just shared life. 
Later Grace got home and was sitting at the kitchen table doing homework.  I walked by and could see her crying.  After some conversation she had made 2 C's that day and found out she wouldn't be starting on her basketball team and it was just too much life for her little heart to bear at that moment.  Life!
So many things we take for granted.  We take time/and loved ones for granted and moments... Moments you can never get back.  So we gathered our family of four and sat in the living room floor by the lights of the Christmas tree and prayed in a circle for life....
For priorities and each other... 
We told them in 5 years/5 minutes a C wouldn't matter and neither would basketball.
We told them we loved them unconditionally no matter what.
and we stopped the rat race for a little while just to enjoy life in the moment. 
I love seeing them grow and mature into what God is molding them to be but sometimes in the life of it all I would love to move to Alaska and forget about all the "stuff" although Greg was quick to remind me they have life and SATAN in Alaska too! 
But I'm thankful for a sovereign heavenly Father that loves us and takes care of us.
He sees the big picture and he loves us unconditionally. 
We don't have to earn, achieve or deserve his love yet it's there.
Praying for our Narrelletts!
Thankful that by the end of the night the prayers turned to wrestling and laughter and everyone went on about homework/bedtime with a smile on their face!
Thank you Jesus!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas Tree

Our tree has been up for awhile... lights finally on it and we've enjoyed it even without the finishing touches.  Today we added the finishing touches and we had a blast doing it.
I absolutely love the days when there are smiles and a little carefreeness (is that a word) in the air.
I love
these three
so much!
I am one
wife and Momma!
You didn't think we would get
everything done without the
craziness now did you!
But, I honestly wouldn't
change a thing if I could!
Because I think they
are pretty awesome!
just the way they are!
blessed beyond words!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Before heading to Terri's for Thanksgiving!
I love self-timer camera's!  :-)
Our silly picture!

Mother Daughter Picture!  Roger Lynn was in Missouri with Courtney!
Sister picture
Carolyn and Bo celebrated 30 years of marriage on Thanksgiving!
Horse shoes!
Kacey and I enjoyed a walk

After we left Terri's we went to Little River Falls
And just enjoyed the day!  It was gorgeous and warm.

Grace loved the water!

Our girls!

My favorite

We stayed until it was to dark to see...  Enjoying the day and each other.
I am truly thankful!
Happy Thanksgiving!