Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tennis Tuesday...

Arab Varsity played Guntersville yesterday.

I don't have any actual playing pictures because I was freezing and whining!

I actually even sat in the car where I could see for awhile I was so cold. Grace never got out of the car, she was content to sit and stay warm while reading!

I am a cold weather wimp!

Kacey and Alexis won doubles 9 - 7

and Kacey won her singles 6 - 2

Kacey is now 18 - 3


Kacey and Alexis

And as if I needing to top off a cold day, we had a hot water heater go out last night so I completed my night with a cold shower... NICE!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The weekend has caught up with me today and today I'm a little tired but blessed.

Yesterday Kacey played Varsity at Westpoint.

And might I just add, what happen to our spring weather, it was cold, and windy I can handle cold or windy but not both!

She and Alexis Won doubles 8 - 0 .

Kacey is now 16 - 3

Congrats girls. After Tennis I took Kacey and Alexis to eat and went then dropped Kacey off at basketball in Fairview. Grace and I spent some time with Mom, she is doing so well after her knee replacement. I got home to stocked cabinets and refrigerate since Greg did the grocery shopping.... ahhh the things in life that make me happy!

Happy Tuesday all!

Hope you have a blessed day.

Monday, March 28, 2011


It's been awhile since I've done a Not Me Monday so I thought today I would share a little NO NOT ME's!

Last week when I went to pick up the girls one afternoon after Papaw picked them up early to take Kacey to the orthodontist to replace a broken bracket. I may or may not have gotten on to my youngest for being out in the yard with Papaw shooting basketball with her shoes slipped half on and her walking on the backs of them...

I may or may not have said... Grace Narrell

put your shoes on right, you are going to ruin them, don't be lazy take the time to do it right....

Then my Dad may or May not have piped in while lifting his pants leg up...

saying... Do you want me to fix mine too...

They both may or may not having been playing while stepping on the backs of their shoes... :-)

This past weekend, we packed a small overnight bag for TN just in case the weather got bad and we had to stop on the way home. I may or may not have packed my camera and umbrella in the overnight back and forgot, thinking I had forgot both at home. I may or may not be losing my mind, Nope NOT ME! ~~ While we were gone Sat we missed the excitement of storms that went through the grove... but We may or may not have had some very large hail.
I might have a sister or two that laughed a little to hard while we were working at Mom's house yesterday... ;-) No Not Me. It may have been a moment I will not be letting them live down anytime soon. NOPE NOT ME!


I may or may not have the best Husband ever! When I got home yesterday my house had not been cleaned and he is not buying our groceries today... (Thank you Lord)

Happy Monday!

I hope you have a blessed day!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

AAU tourney 2

Pictures are from my phone since I thought I forgot my camera. But only I didn't... but didn't know I didn't until I got home.


Game one...

Lost by around 10!

Game 2 - Lost by 7
Game 3 - She played up on the 9th grade team. They lost by 7
Game 4 won by 2!
It was a rainy nasty day of Saturday basketball in the great state of Tennessee!

We left home early and arrived home late! :-)

She played in 4 games with 1 - 3 record.

but she is learning and having fun!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


You remember in Jr. High when you read about the flight or fight reflex.... Well I flight...
Just this week I ill advised a friend to flight, not from a place but from a task... then God convicted my heart and I called praying the Lord had convicted her as well to right a wrong. I was wrong, I do that sometimes when my words and decisions are from me and I've not prayed to the Lord for guidance. See I'm emotional and I tend to sometimes make decisions off emotions. I just saw her hurting and told her to run. But he is still working on me! :-) Greg and I've prayed over our church for a couple of years, Lord if it is time to move, Move me otherwise give me peace and help us to be in your will and not part of the problem... He hasn't moved us but has given us peace, and keeps reaffirming that as of right now we are right where we are supposed to be. Isn't God awesome, he not only answered but answered and then some.
One of my devotions today is attached.. I loved it and it reminds me, it's worth staying when the Lord commands me to stay, it doesn't matter that it's still not perfect, or that there are things that might never be. With him, he can heal and make all things beautiful in his time.

March 23, 2011
Amy Carroll
“May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.”Psalm 33:22 (NIV)
Devotion:I failed my friend. Although I’d love to tell you how I stuck by her as an encouraging presence and practical helper through her darkest days, it simply wouldn’t be true.
I didn’t understand her choices. I couldn’t endorse her actions. I struggled with the consequences of what she wanted to do, and so I left. I didn’t actually go anywhere physically, but I withdrew my availability and my openness. I tucked my heart into a safe, little box and walked away from her situation.
That was years ago, but I still look back on that time with regret and sorrow. Although I’ve made attempts since to reach out and reconcile, my friend is understandably cautious as she guards her still-hurting heart. I hope one day that our friendship will be fully restored, but until then I’ve tried to use the consequences of my choice to learn some things. I desperately want to learn to stay.
Stay through conflict.
Stay through struggles.
Stay through suffering.
Stay through discomfort.
Stay through misunderstanding.
Mary Magdalene is a beautiful example of a constant heart. Because of her great love for Jesus, she stayed.
She stayed after He set her free.
She stayed as He traveled.
She stayed through His torture.
She stayed at the cross.
She stayed at His burial.
She stayed to pass on the news of His resurrection.
Mary Magdalene is a picture of steadfast faithfulness. But sometimes I have trouble staying.
When a church doesn't quite fit my desires, I long for a “happier” place. When a friend is going through a bad time because of choices I can't endorse, I tend to withdraw. When God does things I can't understand, I yearn to flee to a more comfortable setting. It seems easier and less painful.
Come Thou Fountis my favorite hymn, and I think it's because this verse resounds so loudly with me:
O to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be!
Let thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for thy courts above.
I want to leave sometimes, but I long to stay. I long to learn an abiding love for God, my family and my friends that extends a grace beyond my own strength —a strength from One who never leaves. The One who is teaching me to stay.
Dear Lord, sometimes it’s not easy to stay when conflict, disagreements or differences get in the way. Would You give me the power to love people unconditionally and the wisdom to know how to love them well? In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Thank you Lord for the sweet reminder.....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tennis Tuesday

Lady Knights Vs. the Grissom Tigers
Today Kacey and Kelsey played doubles.
They won 8 - 3
Good Job ladies!

Shaking hands after the match.
The Varsity had 2 ahead of Kacey sick so she played up and was a little nervous about playing a higher seed. One she wanted to do well for the team and 2 the higher the seed the tougher the competition...
I reminded her win or lose we are proud of her just remember it's how you play the game,
be fair
give your best
and have fun!
They started out 1 -1
then 2 - 2
then 3 - 3
I was proud of her how she didn't give up and kept fighting.
And fought she did.
She ended up winning 10 - 5!
Way to go Kac!
The team lost the match, but there were many close games.
Kacey is now 15 - 1
When we got home my sweet Husband had mowed the weeds and the yard looks so much better.
I've been wanting to take a picture of our trees in the front but keep getting home to late and the blooms are already not as full as they were I decided to go ahead and make a half dark picture last night!

Happy Tuesday!

Tennis Monday!

Kacey played Doubles on Monday with Mary Paige.
They played Southside in a Sectional match.
They won 8 - 1 and the team won the match 9 - 0!
Kacey is now 13 - 1
Way to go girls!

Perfect weather... We are loving all the sunshine!
At a park and what is my little miss doing... READING she is on a mission for AR points..
Happy Tuesday all!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday AAU

Saturday was Kacey's first AAU tournament.
She is playing with Alabama Lightning.
This was their first game they played the twisters and lost 18 - 25.
they played well together being their first time to play as a team.
there are a few from Arab, Fairview, cullman and Brewer that make up the team.

Then after lunch on to game 2
they played the Lady Blazers.
And won by 5 points. Not a high scoring game but a game of defenses that was for sure!
On to game 3
Against the Eagles
See those smiles, that's something I am loving about AAU they are having fun.
Foul shots
And they won to take second in the tournament...
Congrats girls! It's fun watching you play!

Friday, March 18, 2011


After the zoo we even made it back in time for Batting practice!

Thank you Lord!

It's been a wonderful few days. Yesterday was busy but good.
Orthodontist in Guntersville then to HAC for Tennis in Huntsville. While Kacey was at HAC Grace and I went shopping for a few clothes, Grace has outgrown everything! Even found an Easter Dress! After HAC we made one stop for Kacey and she found two dresses and a few tops! Home in time to change. Grace to softball and I took Kacey and two more from Arab to Fairview for Basketball practice. Then took the other girls home and rolled into good ole Union Grove around 8:30! shew busy but good!
~~ ~~
Friday we were tired but wanted to do something fun. After much debate on whether to take Grace out with her Allergies we decided to find something outside... So we ended up at the Zoo, I'm so glad we went it was one of the best days we've ever had together...
Thank you Lord!
My two favorite girls!
And yes we rode camels!

My sweet girl!

Panning for Gold!
I love days when they enjoy each other's company!

It was a good day! Beautiful Weather!

We ended the trip with a train trip around the zoo...
Thank you Lord for Great days! Thank you for my sweet girls and I pray we are always able to enjoy each other's company so much!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Standing on the Promises

I struggled with the title because I struggle with the words or even if I am going to hit the publish button on this post.
But in the past week God has burdened my heart to pray for my children more than ever.
I pray for them already, we pray in the car before I drop them off in the mornings, I pray if I know they have a test or something going on that day. Before we sleep at meal time. We pray but as they get older I see that need growing more and more.
Our Children deal with so much.
Last week Kacey had a situation that I will not share here but her heart was burdened, her reputation questioned her heart hurt... As a Mom that is one of the hardest things as they get older, letting them deal with disappointment and conflict. The part of growing up that's not pretty. The Mom and control freak in me wanted to jerk up the phone... But God says be still.... And know that I'm God... he loves her and he is growing her. But I have to move out of the way sometimes or at lest stop and pray... Lord, let me handle this correctly, in your way. I urged her to speak to the child and try to work things out, if you can't let it go, talk to her in a respectful non accusing manner. If she doesn't want to work it out, at least you've done all you can do. The next day she does, she handled it like~~ well better than most grown ups would. The girl apologized and Kacey didn't accept, at least not right away. She was still hurt and angry, but after some prayers and reading Kacey planted a seed and she grew.
She shared this verse with the child with a note that said I forgive you.
24"Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.
25"Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions.
26"But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions." Mark 11:24-26
he is growing her, and me.
How much better would our lives be as adults if we forgave then "let it go"
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
~~ Standing on the promises~~

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekend post.... lots of pictures!

Saturday I picked Grace up and she and Dad played Softball for awhile!
See this?? This is Trouble!
With a capital T! I found them in the very back of the pasture, barefoot playing in the creek...
Then they came and played basketball in the backyard and Shelby ended up slicing her hand on a piece of tin out by the barn... How does that happen.... Aren't boys supposed to be the rough ones!?
Our tulip tree is so pretty right now.
The tulip tree reminds me of my sweet grandparents. They had two large tulip trees in the front yard, we had yard sales under them. Played in the limbs of them and my grandmother loved this time of year and seeing them bloom.
Greg's getting ready for a Man trip so he and Grace got some things organized...
I love the looks and sounds of Spring.
Saturday night we Birthdayed KROWE.
We enjoyed our evening so much.
Loving this little guys vocabulary now and his personality.
Birthday Cake!

Sunday after Church we went to the lake fishing..
This girl loves to fish!
You see Kacey is a girl after my on heart, she ended up mostly reading.

Our only Catch!
After awhile Greg stole my chair and was happy sitting too!
Now I'm blogging and Kacey is at a friends for HAC tomorrow and Greg and Grace are playing my least favorite game ever.... MONOPOLY YUCK!

Happy Sunday all...
I pray you have a blessed week!
We are on Spring Break and we are so excited for a week of rest with NO TEST and homework...