Friday, July 28, 2017


What a wild ride 2017 has been!
from Mom's Jan 3rd diagnosis with Lung Cancer to June 23rd.  After complaining with heartburn form some time, I carried Dad to ER after he began to describe his pain as more of a pressure.  EKG was normal, blood pressure was normal, but his heart enzymes were through the roof.  He had been having a heart attack and didn't realize it.  This was on a Friday, Saturday morning they performed a heart Cath and he had 4 blockages that called for open heart.  He was not a candidate for stints.  Crazy, we didn't have a clue.  So after a long weekend On Tuesday, June 27th 2017 he had quadruple bypass surgery.  After another long 10 days, he came home from the hospital on July 5th.  He is one tough cookie.  He is doing well, so we celebrate this birthday a little more, a little longer and with grateful hearts!
So today, I was off work.  Greg took Grace to get stitches out.  I took Dad to the heart clinic.  His report was good, and then we ran errands and got something's done and spent the day together. Greg and the girls and Andrew and I met Judy, Jeff, Roger Lynn and Renee  for dinner. 
Thankful for another day!

Friday, July 21, 2017


Over a year ago, Grace noticed a knot on her jawline.
One Dr. said lymph Node, another a gland that had become infected.  They
wanted to watch it and treat it several way, nothing has helped so on July 21st, she had it removed.
It was larger than we thought it would be.  Thankful that part was over!  Her stitches were removed on 7/28 and we heard the words, benign.  Thank you Lord!
I don't think I even knew how guarded my heart was after this hard year until I heard all was well and I felt a flood of relief.  God is good and he is faithful.   Even if...