Friday, January 28, 2011


Friday ramblings..... :-)
This week has been long, maybe because I worked most of all 5 days for the first time since early December... I say most because Kacey had an afternoon Dr. appointment on Monday and yesterday I left early because Grace wasn't feeling well. I'm so blessed and thankful I have a job that allows me to keep my first job a priority. thank you Lord!
Kacey ended up making a 84 on her History project that she spent more than 6 hours on. She did win best project in her class and it will go on display. An 84 really, I would hate to know what it took to obtain an A.... Seriously???
Kacey's tennis is in full swing and I have a feeling I will be missing a warm Gym soon....
We are praying for our family as we are in the process of making some decisions that impact us all and we want to be in God's perfect will.
I'm learning it's okay to be sometimes overwhelmed by everyday life. You take it one minute at a time and keep going. Keep striving to do to stay in God's will.
Sometimes it's okay to say no so you have time for you and your family.
And sometimes it's not possible to do everything or please everyone... and that's okay.
Hunting season ends Jan 31 and for the first time in many years I am a little sad by that. Not because I like "Greg being gone" but because he hasn't had the opportunity to go much this year, and knowing how much he loves it makes me a little sad for him. In some past years I've been so glad it was over I'd do the happy dance. Especially when babies were little and he would go so often but now in this season of life with Kacey playing and him coaching Grace, it's just not his season.. It will be again, we've already talked about in our Empty nest years I might even go and learn to enjoy just going... Not the hunting. But Kacey will be in HIGH SCHOOL next year. Yes, you read that right. And Grace is growing so fast so for now we are finding joy in the journey and enjoying each day... It will be gone before we know it and we are going to miss this.
This week at work we (NASA) have observed a week of remembrance to honor those lost in Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia. I sat in a memorial at work yesterday wanting to cry all the way through. Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Challenger explosion. I remember being home from school that day for some reason, I can't remember if I was sick or a snow day or one of our holidays, anyway.... I remember watching the launch and remember my mom saying, that doesn't look right.... Somethings wrong... I remember Columbia in 2003. It was a Saturday morning and I was at home and heard the news. I was already working at NASA and had escorted one of the astronauts on an awards day, when we were recognizing Silver Snoopy recipients. I remember sitting on the couch the rest of the day watching and Crying... Do you remember where you were. This week and in our every day life's we honor your memory and pray for your families.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven Ecclesiastes 3:1

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Weekend in Review....

Saturday Grace had a game in Douglas...
Before Grace's game, we got to see Brianna play, she did so good!
She is loving basketball
She is such a sweetie...
Listening to Coach Saturday after the game, Bailey came home with her to play.
They chased Parker, jumped on the trampoline and played.
Kacey went to watch a movie with some friends...
My babies are growing up ;-(
Sunday after church Kacey spent about 4 hours on a history project, I spent about an hour of that helping and then about 2 hours getting the best Sunday nap ever!
On a side note, here it is Tuesday and she still has a big mess in my Kitchen where she needs to clue everything down... She waited to do that last.
Monday night Grace had a game in Guntersville...
Look at those red cheeks....
2 points.
She played hard...
Judy and Jeff came to watch along with Papaw and Jerrod... The Narrell family fan base!
They won 15 - 11.
Just another day in Paradise!
No other place I'd rather be.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jr. High Basketball recognition night

Last Friday the Jr. High Basketball Team's were recognized at the High school between the Girl's Varsity and the Boy's Varsity games..
8th Grade Boys
7th Grade Boys
8th Grade girls
7th Grade girls
Congratulations guys on a great season.... and yes, I'm crazy because I'm a little sad it's over!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Stuff! Do you have stuff... that drives you crazy?
I heard this song at Winter Xtreme, she sang it for the first time to a live audience that afternoon and I liked it and heard it again this past week... I couldn't get it to load right here so you'll have to hit the link to hear the lyrics.
We all have stuff!
History Projects
endless laundry
messy house
busy calendars
kid challenges
drown cell phones
"It's not the end of the world"
we all have stuff, yours I'm sure looks different from mine but it's still stuff
sometimes this time of year I guess I get a little bit of Spring fever and I get tired of a lot of "stuff" this time of year... we forget how much we're blessed...
"In the middle of my little mess
I forget how much I'm blessed"
I'm blessed with an Awesome family
Our family is blessed with health
With enough clothes/food and stuff to make messes
I am blessed and today that's the "stuff" I am choosing to celebrate!

Friday, January 21, 2011


This past Wednesday on my way home I got a call from a very excited 9 year old!
I decided to blog because I find her spirit and love challenging and I never want to forget her words, she blows me out of the water sometimes.
Grace "Momma guess what, do you remember Teagan?" (Teagan and Grace met in first grade. When they met - Teagan didn't know who Jesus was so Grace has been talking to her ever since. They've never had a class together but see each other daily in Extended day)
"Momma, she prayed to receive Jesus!
We were in extended day doing Homework and we were talking and I told her I loved Wednesday's because I get to go to GA's she said that she had gone to church with someone this past weekend. Her parent's don't go to church and don't take her so she doesn't remember ever going before. I asked her and she said she liked it.
I asked her if she was saved and she didn't know what that meant.
So I told her it meant that you believe in Jesus, believe that he died for your sins and he then he rose... It also means that you know God has a plan for you regardless of what it is. I told her I knew he had a plan for my life and he has a plan for everyone, you just have to trust him enough to follow his plan. Momma, she said she wanted to know Jesus's plan for her life so I talked to her about everything I knew about being saved and everything I remember about the day I trusted Jesus then told her what I prayed and she prayed to trust Jesus.
Then the teacher told us to shh but I didn't I knew that it was too important and if I got in trouble it would be okay.. so we whispered and I asked her if she had a bible and she said her Grandma had given her one a long time ago. I wrote her some scriptures on a piece of paper for her to look up and told her if she had trouble finding them I'd bring my bible and help her!
I wrote down John 3:16 a bunch others I have memorized.
She said she would and Momma I told her I might can bring her an Awana's workbook too, do you think I can do that. Her parents don't know us so probably will not let her come with us but I can do that. Momma I love you and I'm so glad you take me to church...
Yes, I cried all the way home... yes I am challenged by my sweet 9 year old
Yes, I am praying that she keeps her boldness and zest for Jesus.
Also, she wasn't supposed to go to extended day Wednesday, Dad was picking her up but Kailynn was sick so Dad didn't want to expose Grace and when I asked her about Papaw not picking her up she said, NO I'm glad he didn't. God's plan for me today was to be in extended day! Now Momma If I can just keep talking to Spencer!
(blown away)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gatlinburg, Day 1

December 27 we left for Gatlinburg for a Youth Winter Xtreme conference.
Greg and Grace stayed home to hunt and play Skip Bo and watch the complete season 7 of Andy Griffith and Nancy Drew DVD's new from Christmas, Yes, the whole season!
The ride up in all the snow was beautiful and scary, I had a whole new lease on Prayer!
So Gorgeous!
Gatlinburg had 6 inches of snow on the Ground, Ware Valley 13!

The view off our room balcony.
First night of the conference. The speakers were all great. The music host of the Conference was Unhindered.
This was 10th Avenue North. I really liked them!
Mercy Me! Great as always!
The roads in Gatlinburg were clear, the sidewalks, well NOT SO MUCH!
Very slick! More prayer time!

Gatlinburg Session 2 and Break!

Session 2
The Music was by New Song

More Ice skating on the way back from the Morning season. Might I remind you it was 15 degrees walking 3 blocks on Ice earlier that morning. But it was still fun! By Break time it was a balmy 28 degrees! Kacey and Kimber

Cold enough for a running Creek to get ice in it!

Myself and Kacey

As the sun melted the snow and ice you would hear chunks falling off buildings, you either walked right against the bldgs or out from under them!
On the Space Needle
So pretty!

Gatlinburg Session 3

On our way to session 3!
Have I mentioned it was COLD!
Francesca Battisti I was excited to hear her because she sings a few songs we love. Also we had tickets for all four of us to go hear her and had a conflict so we gave our tickets away a few months back.
Then, let me tell you I have NEVER been to a rock concert but I have now. My hearing my never recover... Skillet was Great!
It was so loud your organs vibrated... NO EXAGGERATING!
The kids loved it!

That ends our second night! It was a great conference.. I must say the next Women of Faith I attend will seem pretty tame in comparison!

Session 4 and Home!

More Unhindered!
Kim had found our seats the night before for Skillet... 7000 people first come first serve where you sit... so Denise not to be out done got Great seats way close to the front and said, they will not be as loud as Skillet...
Oh Really! Denise had ear plugs, Paige only wished she did!
Newsboys were probally my favorite...
Their lead Singer used to sing for DC talk - You know Jesus Freak!
So lets just say... IT WAS LOUD>>>
And my Lungs were vibrating so hard I think I could feel it on the outside of my chest! LOL!
They put the keyboard player over us...
the drummer was different!
They lifted the drummer up and then tilted him completely on his side and the he spun around while he played.... CRAZY!
Kacey and Kimber with the drummer from Unhindered.

Skating back to the Condo for the last time...
The snow on the way home!
Thank you Lord for a fun safe trip!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gatlinburg Video

Excuse the movement but just to get the picture. I had a GREAT video of Newsboys on my phone of the drummer sideways and spinning but it got flushed literally in the potty along with my phone! That takes talent!

one of the more tame songs!

Taken 12/28/10 on our Gatlinburg Youth trip.

Finding Beauty in the Journey!

My new year's resolution was to enjoy the Moment, to live each day with eyes to see what God has blessed us with... He has blessed us so much and I'm trying not to take a second for granted...
I think even the four wheeler tracks and horse tracks are beautiful!

Praying you are finding Joy in your Journey today!