Friday, February 26, 2010


TGIF ~ Thank Goodness it's Friday and Thank goodness........

Thank you Lord for my husband and sweet daughters. I am so blessed.

I'm thankful for my wonderful friend that sent me the most precious handwritten note, that I got snail mail yesterday. It was just what I needed when I needed it. Thank you. You are always an encourager to me.

Thank you for My parents, and all my extended family, Thank you for my Sisters that I don't get to see or do much with right now because we are all crazy busy, but I'm thankful to know they are there when I need them.

Thank you Lord for the Sun today, we are ready for it to stay for awhile!

Thank you Lord for my new Steam mop, that it's easy and fast!

Thank you Lord for our Crockpot, with us coming and going so much it is getting a workout! Last week we tried a new recipe for Ribs, I put them in before work and when we got home they were done and good, we'll be using that recipe again! Wed night I put a Roast in there and added the vegetables before work yesterday and it was so nice to come home last night and just eat! I need some other recipes if you have a favorite fast and easy crockpot recipe I can try.

I'm thankful for our health today that we are all healthy...

and today I'm thankful for Rosie's at lunch!

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