Thursday, December 17, 2009

Joy Krowe issued a challenge! I'll confess that I've been almost to tired to recognize joy lately. It reminds me of that country song that says something about "when I think about all I've got, even my bad days aren't that bad..." We are thankful.. and we do have joy. So things that have brought me joy lately include but are not limited too the following:

"It hasn't spread"
A hug from a teenage daughter without asking for it or just taking one!
"Mommy that strader hissed at me"
Breakfast from a friend when they knew I was having a rough day!
Getting to met a friend for lunch!
"Welcome to Disney World"
A dental hygienist that took the time to be my HERO!
A great nights sleep
The best Hot chocolate in the Grove!
Semester tests are almost over!
A Godly husband that loves me even when I'm not so lovable!
Our Christmas tree, playing the Christmas light game.
The blessing to be able to reach out to friends during a hard time they are enduring.
I love you all and you my friends, bring me joy!

Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

1 comment:

  1. That rocks Paige! Thanks for taking me up on the challenge!!
