Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Today was the first day back to school and work for two weeks.

We were sad to go back but so thankful for the time we spent together.

I'm so thankful for my sweet family.

so after working/school I went to Guntersville to see Kacey play.

Dad went with me. They won!

then we flew up the mountain and got to Grace's game to see the very end but she was

thrilled I was there when she was done so it made it so worth it! ;-)

They won as well 13- 2 and she had 4 points!

Then Arby's and home.. what a full wonderful day!

They usually make me a cake but with all the ball games this week I was thrilled with a wonderful Red Velvet! YUMMO!

Can you tell we were all tired.. happy but tired..
see my necklace?

yes, my village is still out and a nativity and maybe the girls trees but everything else has been put away!

Thank you for making my day special!

I love it!

They also gave me this before work this morning.

Can you read it?

When Kacey and Grace were babies, we always read, Goodnight Moon.

As they grew at night and when we would leave each other we would always be silly and say

I love you to the moon

they girls would always say things like

I love you to Wal mart or

I love you to mars

I love you to pluto

I love you two times more than you'll ever say

but we would always end with

I love you to the moon & Stars

to the mailbox and back again..

Why?? that was just us...

So this thrilled my soul.

the moon reads i love you to the moon & stars

circle: to the mailbox

circle: and back again

and then it has two star charms... one for each girl.

I can't tell you how much it means to me and then to know the girls worked for the money and wouldn't let anyone else pay for it made it even more precious...

Thank you all for making my birthday precious.


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