Friday, January 20, 2012

3 gym Thursday!

I worked until 1 meet Greg and 2 then off to Snead College to watch Arab JV in the Semi-Finals!

It started at 3:30...

They introduced the starting line up, you can't tell much from the picture but this is Kacey being introduced and giving Shelby a chest bump!

after the handshake with the refs.
Time for tip off.... and Momma had to put the camera down and watch...I'm sure Mark took some awesome pictures I can post later!
We won 31-22 against Guntersville
Kacey had 9 points and was high scorer.
She only had 2 fouls!
Yeah Kacey!!!!
So then we flew to Arab to watch Grace, her game began at 5:30!
She played so hard...she was precious!

I mostly watched there too...

Here is an after the game shot...

So then I flew to Flex to attend boot camp with Cheri and Tracy...

Okay I had started running in the fall and had worked up to running 25 minutes nonstop and I was TICKLED, then the time change and basketball and I've not done anything since... I'm a stress eater and I have put on more than a few pounds since I stopped exercising in the fall. BUT I was not prepared... oh my they were not messing around... I may not be able to move again anytime soon! So between the games...running around the world.... exercising.... and not sleeping well the night before i think I got some pretty sweet sleep last night!!


This Morning Kacey had to be at Basketball practice on the court dressed out and shooting by 5:30 this morning... YUCK... Greg carried her and went to work early. They are going to the other semi final game tonight then to eat and then watching the varsity girls. So we will be tuckered again today!!! Then we are helping another Mom out, so we have spend the night company tonight as well...


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