Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This will end

I'll admit it's been a tough couple of months.  Tennis Season seems to be the hardest just because of timing and length of matches.  Lots of leave taken... lots of running from one event to the next.  Lots of dinners on the go and mostly lots of go.  Lots of feeling like you are not able to divide your time evenly between babies...  Mom last week made the comment.  Grace's time will come and you'll be doing it all for her.  No guilt...  Hmmm I hear the words but right now in this season it's hard.  And work, well let's just say I've not worked a full week since sometime last October.  I feel like I'm a running unorganized mess.  Greg's responsibilities have changed and he is still helping tremendously but it is different and it's hard.  But so worth every minute of it.  This week after going so much for so long I hit the wall.  The wall of exhaustion.  Yesterday was the turning point. I read a devotion... listened to a sermon on line about being still.  It was medicine to my weary soul.  Then Greg took his study books and did the running last night and I stayed home with Grace.  It was just what I needed.  But I still can't look at the calendar coming up too closely.  Awards' days, field days, DARE graduation, powder puff practices, powder puff games, space camp, Jr high meetings, 10th grade course schedule, basketball camps that overlap GA camps, Driver's ed this summer, VBS and well you get the picture.  We are in the busy season and sometimes I just feel like the going will never end.  This morning I read the blog from MckMamma.  I've attached it.  It was a sweet reminder it will end.  Something else will be next, but this will end so don't miss the blessing of it.  Don't miss the opportunity to spend sweet time with God's gifts to us. 

Finding joy in the journey one step at a time.
As I type this up.  I get a text from Kacey.  Hey Momma, I have the highest Average in 9th grade in English so I'm getting an award on awards day.  The Awards day I thought I could skip this year since we are in high school and it's mostly for seniors, so I will be taking leave that day too and you know what it's worth it!  Worth every second.  Because some day it will end.

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