Saturday, July 25, 2009

Camping (Part 4)

Sunday after another big breakfast was the PACK UP! The worst part, Grace decided she'd rather play in the creek even though it had gone down to 50 degrees on Sunday morning.

We took the long way home and went through the Cherokee National Forest so the girls could see rafting on the Ocoee, it has evolved since Greg used to raft before we were married, In 1997 we visited on Kacey's first Vacation and they had made so many major adjustments. The 1996 Olympics were held in Atlanta and the rafting competition was on the Ocoee and the improvements were because of the Olympics.

That's it, we hope to go again next year with our camping buddies in tow!

Have a great Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. no way no how you could get me to get in some inflatable raft, put a stick in my hand and send me on my way down those rapids!!
    Kacey please don't go, I fear my heart could not take it! We could improvize, I will come over to Roger's you get in a float and Grace and I could make waves...much much safer option! Everyone is happy that way:) including mommy narrell!
