Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Monday Afternoon Lady Knights tennis beat Guntersville 6-3.

Kacey won singles 10-4.

She is first place in 5th Seed in the County! Singles and Doubles.. Way to go Kacey!

This was taken in Southside yesterday.

Kacey and Brandy won doubles 8-0

and Kacey wond Singles 8-3! Another Section Win!

My Moon flowers and Blackeyed susans I've potted are coming up!
I love flowers... It's the Ruby in me! :-)

A pinterest project I did weeks ago and haven't shared. I bought some chalkboard paint. I've been itching to use it. I LOVE IT>

and just since my blog is usually used as a scrapbook of a glance at the life we are in at the moment it usually holds all the "pretty pictures" and life that we like to polish and show off but sometimes life isn't pretty... I love all the chaos but sometimes we have plenty of it... We have been blessed by God so much in last few months and one of my daily prayers is Lord help us with time management. Help us not to get so busy that we miss the blessing of each other and miss the peace we are meant to have.

So a glimpse into our night...

Mom and Dad picked up Grace yesterday from School - So she didn't go to extended day so therefore didn't do her homework there. (they have books/stuff) fast forward to last night when she gets home from watching Lawson/Shea play t-ball and I get home from watching tennis in southside... I come in and she is crying... sitting at the kitchen table working on homework. She had a test on her Basil story and forgot the book at school. Bummer. upset and struggling to get back into the routine of school after Spring Break. I tell her to study for her 2 test that are today. I walk out of the room and hear a horrible cry break down and I go in and she is on the floor squalling.... snubbing - you know the ugly cry. so after some phone calls and texts later... Bailey called Grace and gave her a practice spelling test over the phone and quizzed her on her basil. I also took her to school early this morning so she could read her basil before school. Kacey had a big science test today and is tired... sinusy complete with Nose bleeds. The egg drop has issues so the phone is ringing then another Mom calls about Grace/her child working on their 4-H project together. Can you see the stress in my typing.. After I finally got the girls in bed and Greg was studying I went through shirts and got them all divided and figured out.

This was my living room at 10:30 last night.

and some clean laundry... see we are more than normal... I'm happy to report that by the time I went to bed all shirts/ laundry were separated folded and put away and and kitchen was clean and dish washer running and tennis clothes washed and hung to dry for the next one ..... score!

Finding joy in the journey...

Because one of these days we are going to miss this!

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