Thursday, April 12, 2012


Just some crazy thoughts...

~ This week is testing at school ARMT.... last night Grace: Momma these test how long do they stay with me? Me: What do you mean. Grace: Well do they like follow me through Jr high or through High school. Me: Sweet girls - stop your worrying and just do your best. Grace: well I just don't want to be trying to get a job one day and them be like WOW.... no way you did horrible on your ARMT!


~ I love the girls and I love watching there sports but I am ready for summertime and lazy days!

~ I love that our church serves dinner on Wednesday nights before church. It makes it so nice..$5 dollars a family or whatever you can give and the proceeds go to the youth fund. It might be a pot roast/potatoes or it might be pizza, chicken fingers you name it. I've been trying to eat healthy and cut back so Wednesday's are great they get to eat whatever and sometimes I join and sometimes not depending on what they have and time. I do not love however when my Husband is asked is Paige going to eat? and he announces that no, she's on a diet...

GOOD GRAVY MAN have I not taught you better than that... all kidding aside it wouldn't have been bad if it hadn't become the topic of conversation that will not go away! Even last night it was brought up again. :-) Note to self - when husband becomes pastor some things are no longer private! He even got the look from Kacey! I'm also trying to make changes that I can keep up for long term so I consider it making smarter choices not a diet.

~ I would like to start back walking and eventually run again. I was up to 25 min runs at a time without stopping then the time change in Oct happened and then basketball and then well you get the picture!

~ I stopped Tuesday on my way to work and spent 20 minutes on the side of the road with a man (who I thought was having a heart attack) waiting on an ambulance. Turned out he was having a severe panic attack. Note to self - most people on 231 don't slow down to pass much less stop to help.

~ I'm learning to prioritize more and let some things go. I'm trying to trust more and stress less. I'm not there 100% but better. So what if the dessert for Easter is brownies instead of cake! They were still eaten!

~ I'm also learning I'm too much Momma.... Sometimes instead of keeping them from all hurt and taking it upon myself sometimes they have to feel the hurt to learn to lean on God, and to learn and adapt for life. I'm going to let them down. Christ never will. I will always be Momma but sometimes they need to stand on their on two feet. But in the end they always know I'll be there to do whatever I can.

~ I'm reading scripture and taking the calendar one day at a time... If I look at all the games matches/appointments and events scheduled to far out It makes me anxious.

~ When we first began our journey to a new church with new roles my daily prayer became.

Lord help us do YOUR will, not ours.

Lord protect our family and keep us bonded together.

Lord help us in time management. Our plates are full help us to manage it so that we honor you. Help us to be parents/spouses/servants that always honor you and help us keep the joy and fun in life. and last but not least.... Lord help us to be unoffendable.


because we don't want to get ahead of God.

We want our family to remain strong. Nothing would please the devil more than for Ministry families to fall. Time - well that one speaks for itself. Greg with a 40 - 50 hr a week job please preparing for 3 services a week plus all the stuff the girls and I bring into our family. We are full.

We want to keep our family close and fun. Not uptight tense and always stressed. And lastly... unoffendable... we all know people/families even church families have their moments. We want to serve without carrying our feelings on our shoulders.

We're almost 3 months into our new chapter in life and while all of it hasn't been perfect or easy. It's all been worth it. The good has outweighed the hard. Thank you Lord for blessing our family and answered prayers.

Please continue to pray for our family.

Happy Thursday!

Let your conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer every one. Colossians 4:6

The Lord is gracious & compassionate slow to anger & rich in love. Psalms 145:8

A hot tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. Proverbs 15:18

but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for its self. Suffient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:33-34

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