Friday, April 6, 2012

County Tennis Tournament

Kacey was seeded #1 for place 5 in the county. So she got a first round bye. She had already played and defeated all 6 so if it rained... she was automatically the county champ if they played she had to play them all again. It would not have hurt her feelings if it had rained but I know God had a plan to increase her confidence today so they played... even though all day the it looked like the bottom would fall out any minute.

Team meeting

Kacey and Alexis

I didn't take many pictures of her playing because I didn't want to make her any more nervous than she already was so I took lots of "other" pictures.

Like warming up hitting on the wall.

listening to Coach Phil

After a brief Lightning delay we were back to play.

waiting on her number to be called to the courts.

In Semi-finals she defeated Guntersville 10-5. I was so proud of her, she had gotten a little nervous and was off to a slow start. The girl was up on her 0 - 3 and she was able to regroup and come back and win! I am so proud of you Kacey! Your determination inspires me!

These were taken during warm ups just because I didn't want to distract and since it's county we can be next to the fence when play starts and pictures far back are terrible.. all you see is fence!


I didn't take any during the finals... She was playing Albertville and was winning 4-1 when lightning put a stop to play again. She really wanted to finish and be official. We are waiting on principals from all the schools to meet and decide the outcome or if they will reschedule and try to complete since we were almost done. So officially she is still waiting but in our books she is more than a Champion already.... On and off the court. We love you Kacey!

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