Wednesday, October 21, 2009

sniff sniff (wipe tear)

(Edited - our trip was to Little River Canyon and Desoto State Park)
I've been so sentimental lately about my girls and how big they are getting..
Absolutely crazy to see these pictures and see that they are only 3 years old and look at them... How young they look. I look at Kacey now and she just looks like a little lady her baby features, just a memory. ahh well enjoy the pictures and it also is to serve as a reminder to my dear Husband that we need to plan a Saturday to do this again. SOON!
We had left that morning with a cooler and plans to just ride! Sometimes I take for granted that we live in such a beautiful area.

I love this picture. I love their smiles.
And this one, Greg is trying to get Grace to follow and she is not buying it! Love it.
ahh and some sister love. Now if they can look at each other without making a face it is a victory...
I pray you are having a happy Wednesday!

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