Thursday, October 15, 2009


Don't tell me it is that time of year already!
Yes ~ today is opening day of Bow season for deer..... Oh Summer where did you go?

{Some of you women already know what this means}
Late nights & ridiculously early mornings.
Not allowed to wash with regular washing powder because it smells, you have to buy unscented.
Camouflage is not cute~
They practice sounds of the wild. I say they because my 8 year old can out turkey call any man!
Arrange calendars around the weekends.

Buying two sets of groceries, one for home and one for cabin.
And having heads on the wall.
Taking pic after pic after pic of gross things.
Hearing story after story about a buck that was so close, just not within range. He was "spooked".

And the scare he gets when that Owl flies up in the tree beside him...
And I heard something but it turned out to be a squirrel or some other animal not in season...

Okay. I'm not against "man" time. Really I'm not ~ I'm all for it. I think every guy has to have a hobby. Something he does that is not work related and gets him out of the house away from the kids to regroup. Every wife knows this makes for a happier husband.
All I'm saying is:
Why do we not have a season?
I mean seriously. Look at what we are missing out on. I just don't understand why we don't come up with a great season just for us!!!
Any ideas, and I'm not a shopper so that's out!
Happy Thursday!

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