Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years ago!

I was already working for NASA and I remember hearing people talking about one of twin towers at the World Trade Center being hit. Then the other... being on a government facility we were put on alert and all the Conference rooms were full as we watched the TVs... Rooms that were full but silent with an occasionally audible gasp. I remember sitting there for some time and then watching as both towers fell and the silence turned into cries and sniffs and we all knew what that meant for so many people. I remember thinking how many of those people don't know you Lord. I remember the loud speaker coming on asking us all to go home in a orderly calm fashion. We were out of work for days while they beefed up security. Grace was 4 months old Kacey 5. I remember sitting in line with dozens of other cars that night to get Gas the uncertainty around it all and thinking WHAT kind of World have I brought these beautiful babies into. How can this ever be okay.

10 years later, it's still not okay, I choose not to watch or listen to any of the replays of events that day, what I remember is enough, it changed our nation forever.

But God is in Control and God is Good and faithful.

But we'll never forget....

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