Monday, April 18, 2011

Thank you Lord...

I'm so thankful and full today.. For many reasons..

Here are just a couple...


Kacey had an orthodontist appointment at 8:40 in the morning, had a computer printout that said 8:40! (a computer printout) I called to change it since she is out with Tennis today and can’t miss tomorrow. The lady said and I quote, “ she is on the books for 3? How did that happen? She is getting arch wires, we don’t do those that late, I don’t know how this happened!” Me: Well we could do 3, I thought it was at 8:40, she said IT SHOULD BE but since she is already on the books for 3, we will leave it THIS time. She doesn’t know Jesus has her Password! Thank you Lord, Arch wires with NO missed School. Thank you Lord! He is Good!


In the meantime since she is missing so much school for Tennis I sent an email to a math tutor just to see if she could fit Kacey in tomorrow night since she has a test Wednesday and she missed today and last week do to County tournament.. Remind you now we have a 3 o'clock orthodontist appointment. She sent me a not back and said can you be here at 5:30... Thank you Lord, we should be able to finish and still make it to revival!


I'm so thankful for this season of revival at our church. The testimonies leading up to our revival, to the sweet fellowship I feel. Our church is healing and I'm so thankful to the Lord, is it perfect? NO, will it ever be No! But he is our God and is still in Control and for now at least I just hear... "Be still and Know that I am God"

Thank you Lord!


In a week that should be so stressful. Revival, and coming off two crazy weeks for our family we are not stressed. We are not overwhelmed. We are not stressing the upcoming weekend and everything we need to do.. We are content and enjoying life to each moment... for today... for now.. Thank you Lord!


With our schedules Kacey and I have been together so much and Greg and Grace have been softball partners in crime. Friday night we switched Dance Partners and I have to say Grace and I enjoyed our time so much. Much needed family time... Thank you Lord!


I am Thankful today and are there things I could grumble about... Of course but today I chose to have an attitude of Gratitude and for that I thank you Lord!

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