Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Silent doesn't have to mean silence!

Yesterday I was home when the girls got home. Grace went to her room and put her backpack up and came back to me. I looked down and noticed those eyes were so full of tears they couldn't help but to start spilling over at any minute.

Little lip quiver. Momma I have to serve silent lunch tomorrow.

Me: Grace it's okay, what happened.

Grace: I did my homework on my spelling words but I forgot the challenge words so I have to sit by myself tomorrow in the middle of the lunch room during lunch.

Me: You know what baby, you are human and you are going to make mistakes, just be careful next time and make sure you got everything but it will be okay.

Grace: But I've never had to do that before and everybody will be looking at me

Me: Well you know what let them look and see you sitting there with a smile on your face. See you have to serve Silent lunch but it doesn't mean you have to be silent, it might just be the best lunch you've ever had. You have to keep your mouth quite but not your head and your heart. See you can work on your scripture memorization, or recite the verses you know to yourself. You can sing... You can sit and smile and just have a wonderful lunch, it will go by so fast. Sometimes when Momma has a problem or something isn't going right I run to the phone to call my friend but sometimes she isn't there and that's when I can hear Jesus say, "I'm here and I want to be your best friend, and I will never leave you." So then I have a little talk with Jesus, silent lunch maybe God's way of saying Grace will you have lunch with me?

so you let them look and you smile and find Joy because when they ask why you are smiling alone you can tell them you had lunch with Jesus!

Have a little talk with Jesus to make things right...

Grace: And I also have the mile run tomorrow.. I hate that.

Well run and recite, I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.

Or pretend you are being chased by a snake...

But smile! And find Joy in your journey!

I can't wait to see how lunch went!

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