Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tennis Tuesday

Lady Knights Vs. the Grissom Tigers
Today Kacey and Kelsey played doubles.
They won 8 - 3
Good Job ladies!

Shaking hands after the match.
The Varsity had 2 ahead of Kacey sick so she played up and was a little nervous about playing a higher seed. One she wanted to do well for the team and 2 the higher the seed the tougher the competition...
I reminded her win or lose we are proud of her just remember it's how you play the game,
be fair
give your best
and have fun!
They started out 1 -1
then 2 - 2
then 3 - 3
I was proud of her how she didn't give up and kept fighting.
And fought she did.
She ended up winning 10 - 5!
Way to go Kac!
The team lost the match, but there were many close games.
Kacey is now 15 - 1
When we got home my sweet Husband had mowed the weeds and the yard looks so much better.
I've been wanting to take a picture of our trees in the front but keep getting home to late and the blooms are already not as full as they were I decided to go ahead and make a half dark picture last night!

Happy Tuesday!

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