Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Grace's Birthday Bash!

Since Grace wasn't having a "party" a few of us met at Cici's pizza for dinner last night.
We had to wait on Kacey to get out of tryouts, then off we went!
Thank you everyone that joined us. Grace had a blast!
Grace LOVES Cici's!
I always eat way to much at Cici's!
Ethan LOVED watching the kids play air hockey. He would laugh so hard!
Yes, Grace has a pasta bowl and 4 plates from the pizza, brownies and Cinnamon rolls! Like I said she loves her some CiCi's!
Game room here we come!
Clay and Kailynn!
When it was time to leave, nobody wanted to leave.
I think Clay was praying, please go to sleep on the way home!
He looked tired last night but has SO much patience with them and is
doing a Great job!
I know it is hard but can't imagine how much so!
Grandma and Grace!
Grace and Papaw!
Grace opening her presents!
Grace's card from the Rowe's! I love it!
Doesn't Kacey look cute in her sweater that is 3 sizes too small, she was cold and used Grace's!
Daddy and Grace!
Some Sister Love!
They can be sweet to each other on occasion!
Daddy giving Grace her birthday spanking!
Thank you again for coming!
Happy Birthday Grace!
We love you!

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