Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thanksgiving Countdown - Letter H

H for me means Health
I am so thankful for our health...
I'm thankful for the medicines God has allowed Man to develop to help us feel better and heal.
I'm thankful for insulin and a tester to keep Greg's sugar regulated so he can Prayerfully have many years to enjoy life.
I am thankful for Asthma medicine for Grace and I
I'm thankful for the nebulizers that sit at home that we've been so dependant on for years with Grace.. I'm thankful that now her times to have to use them are fewer between.
I'm thankful for our small health issues that God has blessed our family abundantly.
I'm thankful for the gift our our kids that get to run and play and lead healthy life's
I'm thankful that we get to enjoy one more day!
Thank you Lord.

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