Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What does your morning look like?

Mine has changed over the years from getting ready and just leaving to adding babies which means diaper bags and bottles and Car seats. Now mornings are interesting and I pray everyday for a smooth one.. You never know!
Today was a good day.

Kacey's pile of bags for the day, between school book bag, her basketball clothes/shoes and her pack with some Gatorade and a snack so she'll have some fuel for her two hour basketball practices...

And my sweet little bookworm who seems to be on a mission to keep the highest AR points in her class. She is reading the Judy Blume books. I read the same books when I was little. She LOVES them and I'm getting to hear lots of stories.

So, we had a good morning, even with the rain. Thank you Lord. It makes the days where it seems all I do is prod and beg and threaten kids if they don't move! But this stage too shall pass and I for one am in no hurry for it to do so....
Happy Wednesday!
Bloom where you are planted Mary Englebriet

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