Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful for my family!
Thankful for the sunshine!
Thankful for our health!
Kacey is having a busy week with School. Lots of test and homework. She is also stressing the next couple of weeks... Her first AAU tournament is approaching and 7th grade basketball tryouts for the Jr. High. Please pray that she'll have a good couple of weeks, no reflux and pray for me as I try to daily reminder her that she is a Child of the King and that's the most important thing.
Last night at GA's I was standing outside the girls door listening..... shhhh!
Last week they were working on braiding friendship bracelets and when I came back there Grace was frustrated! She had never braided anything.. hmm so Tuesday of this week we sat down and worked on it. I can braid but teaching someone is different than just doing it. Anyway, last night I heard Miss Mary say "Grace do you need help?" and Grace replied... "No, my Momma teached me!" Then Miss Mary said "Your Momma taught you!" she said yes Mam. Made my heart happy, but really makes you want to try harder to teach the good stuff...
I hope you have a good Thursday!

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