Friday, August 13, 2010

Not gonna steal my joy!

When you have victories to celebrate especially spiritual ones the devil wants to steal your joy.
I know you've all experienced it. Something happens and you are on top of the world and then life gets crazy. I'm praying today that God will help me find and keep joy during the journey because sometimes lets just be honest. The journey is hard.
Last weekend I had some things that went on that I was struggling with to the point I'm ashamed to say I just shut down from it. The WHATEVER syndrome as we call it. But my sweet husband keeps reminding me you can't change people but you can change your reaction. So Sunday morning, I was tired and it was hectic. I again am ashamed to say that I went to church but it was in body only.
The invitation lasted a little longer than usual. As the music was ending out of the corner of my eye I watched my Daddy walk up the isle. The music ended and I could feel the panic in my chest to please play, that he wouldn't be left standing without music with all eyes on him and again, I heard my sweet husband in the pew beside me praying out loud... Please Lord, let them play let them play. My Dad rededicated his life to the Lord and with tears I embraced my Daddy with new eyes. As he hugged me he said it's been a long time coming. I only have 5 or 6 readers to my blog since it's locked so I can be honest. I remember praying for years for my parents to come to church. My parents always encouraged even sometimes made me go to church even when they didn't and for that I'm grateful. My parents had stopped going to church regularly what will be 41 years ago in October. When one day and one tragic event changed my family tree. My Dad held so much anger and guilt... My once Sunday School Teacher Mom and VBS volunteer parents slowly drifted away from God. But God is a healer and restores what has been lost to only make it better. For months my Dad has been reading his bible and the changes I see in him are of peace. So Devil you can not steal my joy. Life maybe a little hectic and crazy but Jesus you are my Joy and that the devil can not take...
Please continue to pray for our family.... He still has branches to restore! And fruit to bare.

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