Wednesday, January 6, 2010

5 or 9, it was 5 no 9.... Okay Mommy says 9!

Mommy with no camera slacker is going to attempt to explain the title of my post! Are you ready.

Grace's team lost last night by 6 ~ I think, I would know if I hadn't of lost my camera... ahem
And Grace had 5 official points last night. Points that are in the books and counted.
She had 4 that didn't count officially ~ but count in Mommy's books!
One, as she shot she took a step and they called her for walking so they didn't count it. But I did! And the other right before she shot she was fouled. So as it stripped the basket he had called it an on the floor foul so her team got the ball back but the points didn't count. That is just wrong isn't it... i think so too! Either way 1 ~ 5 ~ 9 or 0 we've been driving the point home daily with our girls points don't matter, it's how you play and your attitude. Points do not make you anymore special than you were the day before. You are special today and yesterday as well as everyday because you my sweet daughters are first and foremost Daughters of the KING. And you are saved by His grace and that is what makes you special... We talked about how they can take away points but not your walk with Christ and how Satan has lost the war with them but can cause daily battles as to hurt their witness so they can't or don't share Christ effectively. That's true for us all. So today my prayer is that my children, Greg and I remember who we are! Children of the Most High! I pray you can say that this morning, and that you too are a Child of the King!

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