Wow this book has challenged me... AND I'm only through the Intro and first chapter. I bought and read this book a few years ago. But this weekend God convicted me so about my children again, especially Kacey at the stage of life she is in. Not an adult not a baby and we are both having some
adjustment pains! With everyone pulling on her time and with all she has going I just began to wonder with all the "you need to do this need to keep up with that, where is your homework be more organized, try harder".... she has plenty of people telling her those things. Be better... do more! But who does she have that says, GREAT job... You can do it! Don't get me wrong she has lots of support from extended family and church just to name a few. But I was convicted to do more, so with prayer and this book I'm praying I'll do more of the encouraging that she needs. I was thinking about this last week what was one thing of encouragement that stuck out... Kacey received a postcard in the mail from her Social Studies teacher. Understand that this teacher has 6 or 7 classes with around 20 +kids per class and she took the time to send a card that simply read; It is a pleasure having you in my class and I appreciate all the hard work you do, you are a wonderful young lady keep up the good work. Paraphrasing some but still the point was there. I intend to make sure this teacher knows how special I think she and the note were. Some people just have the gift of being
encourager's, some people have to work harder at it and I plan on working harder!
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