Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Locks of Love

Today Greg went to Shelbyville to watch Kacey and bring back his girl.
She sent me text on the way home.  See if Carla can do it.  I want too.
So this afternoon we went.
Kacey almost needed to do this just to prove she could, and well she did!

10 inches
And a beautiful girl...
Sacrificing so someone else can use her hair.
There was a lady in the shop we didn't know that had just lost her Dad to cancer.
Teary eyed she made an impression on our girl and thanked her for her thoughtfulness.
Our hair dresser is so much more she is an encourager and embassador for Christ.
We are thankful for her.
Beautiful thoughtful girl and Proud Mom and Dad!
We love you Kacey.

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