Thursday, August 6, 2009

It could be much worse! Thankful Thursday!

We've had two Dr's appointments in two days!
Yesterday I called at 7 and got Kacey an appointment for 9. She has had a headache and not felt well for awhile. She left with 3 new prescriptions and a diagnosis of a sinus infection... ahh medicine yeah, so it could be much worse! Thank you LORD that we are only dealing with treatable infections...
Today she went back, her Dr was less than thrilled to see her and I got the bad mommy look, right after he said I guess she felt well enough to go to youth last night... ahem yeah. She had an incident involving water kickball and the ground!
after x-rays and back to the Dr. we have a broke finger at the knuckle which is a huge praise, where it was hurting was right below the knuckle and it was only bruised so instead of a cast he was able to splint her hand where she can't move that finger, so it could have been much worse.
So we go back in 3 weeks. Thank you Lord it could have been much worse!
Happy Thursday!

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