Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What happens at the beach doesn't always stay at the beach!

Those that know me know I love to stay places that have a washer/dryer and I go home with all clean clothes.  It makes unpacking so much nicer.  I don't stress it I just toss stuff in late, early or while we are in during lunch.  No stress! 
Tuesday night after a late night I threw in some towels to wash and off to lay in the comfy bed and read.  My sweet Family was watching the Olympics.  This was about 11:15

A little while later I hear Greg and can tell his voice is not normal.    I was afraid it was his sugar or someone was sick so off I go.  Not running but not slow.  ;-)
The minute I come out of the bedroom and off the rug I hit the hard tile but that's not all I found, I found a couple of inches of water too.  When I hit it off I went.  The washing machine drain had come busted and there I laid on my back, in water on hard tile and feeling a little like WHAT just happened.  I was also thinking please Lord, what is plugged up around me and don't let me get electrocuted Please!
I hit my elbow, it's a pretty shade of blue, head, back and shoulder and my foot... when my foot went up it hit the door jam.  Pretty sure there is at least one broke toe if not two involved. 
I was trying to save my head so it didn't hit as hard as it could have. 
It got worse before it got better but you know us Narrell's
oh it took maintenance over an hour to bring us towels to mop it up.  Grace had her DS in a bag by the bunk beds and it took a bath.  And it took maintenance over 24 hours to come look at the washing machine.  but ... what do you do?  We didn't want the girls in the hall because of the water.  When I fell it scared the girls pretty bad so Grace was now in our bed sick to her tummy.  Kacey was laying with her and Greg and I slept on a fold out couch.  It was a long night!

Although by Wednesday night the underpart of my toes and the top of my foot were also bruised.
Wednesday the water was really rough and I was on a float at one point and took a beating.  It didn't hurt but it looked less that graceful.  Then as a storm approached I tried to lower our umbrella and it caught my hand and pinched it and was pouring blood, I am pretty sure it was at this point Greg was like.  Would you please sit down and don't touch anything.  You are stressing me out! :-)  If you want something tell me and I'll do it!
Just Another day in paradise!  No other place I'd rather be!

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