Thursday, July 7, 2011

Not so good...

I love Vacations and I love my family... Most of the time on the blog you see the good and I keep the hmmm not so good to myself.... But we are human and normal and have some not so good. So just too keep it real.

Like the night before we left my TMJ flared up and I prayed for it not to ruin our trip and it didn't but this week I've been miserable.

Like the first day and we get there and we're unloading everything and notice Grace's IPOD touch screen had been shattered then she cried, and cried, and cried. She had used her own birthday and report card money to buy it so it hurt her in more ways than one. She cried off and on about it for days. She is currently taking odd jobs around the house to earn enough to buy a new one or in the event that she doesn't raise enough she said it was at the top of her Christmas list.

Like when we got home from vacation and Greg said where's your house key, and I didn't have it. He didn't have his. So we loaded back into the car and went to Mom and Dad's for the extra set. So yes we locked ourselves out of the house coming home from vacation. We had a key to the side door but the screen door was locked and we weren't about to bust the screen for it.

Like I was pouting over a closed restaurant I really wanted to try... we ate somewhere else and loved it... yes I pout on occasion not proud about it just honest.

Like on Saturday when we cooked out I had fixed lots of shrimp, when I finished I put it in the oven to keep it warm... I remembered it Sunday morning at 6 am.... spoiled... great!

Like both girls getting jelly fish stings but then again isn't that a kids right of passage, a milestone for growing up. Kind of like a bee sting was for us growing up but my kids have never been stung weird huh?

Like sand cracks from dry skin from walking in the sand.

Like Tuesday on my first day back to work, I didn't need to be gone long so I ran "quickly" at lunch to get my allergy shots. I got my shots and sat in the chair (I have to wait 20 minutes afterwards to make sure there will not be a reaction) and I looked down and my badge holder was empty. I had left it in my computer when I logged on... so I call a co-worker bribe her with lunch and she brings it to the gate to meet me and I was harassed about it all day.. I will not be living it down anytime soon. Let's just say I provided the office with some entertainment...

Like sister tiffs in the backseat and everybody wanted to do or eat something different... but in the big scheme of things that's not so bad! I wouldn't trade it for the world! Well maybe the badge thing... just sayin

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